Friday, July 17, 2020


Behold!  This is a ginormous bag of Trolli Sour Brite Crawlers, a prize that Madison won from the game with Camille this past Wednesday night.  Camille sent her this huge bag of one of Maidson's favorite candies, and let's just say we're good to go in the candy department for at least a few days now!

We were at the pool again tonight, this time for the entire time slot.  The latest time slot gives us a spot inside the pool that's in the shade, but even so, you can feel the heat out there.  The water is warm, having sat there and cooked in a temperature that feels like one hundred degrees with the heat index.  It was a nice time though, throwing the ball back and forth in the pool.  We came here right after teakwoodo today, which was just leadership class.  It was a smaller class, but Madison is super into it, and there's no going back now!

It was a fairly full day today, now that I think about it.  We started out at the chiropractor's with a visit to Doc Williams.  They've been keeping things going there, but with limited staff.  We don't mind waiting so much - we've been going there for quite some time.  Mommy has been going there since the 80s, I think, with the previous chiropractor who ran the place.  We did our typical game while we're there, one where you have to name characters from a series that start with A, then B, and then C and so on.  In the waiting room, Madison usually turns to us and just says, "Admiral Ackbar."  And then it's on!

After the chiropractor appointment, we went to a place that serves British Fish & Chips!  It's a new place that just opened up, and no, they didn't serve the fish & chips in newspaper.  But there was vinegar there, and it was super fresh fish and it was all really tasty.  They had some English candies there as well for us, so we picked some up on the way out.

On the way home, we stopped at a place none of us had been to since March:  the library!  Yes, it's finally open again.  It took several months, but we finally can walk back in there again.  We reserved a few books for our upcoming trip, and were able to walk right in there and pick them up.  But how wonderful to be able to walk in that building again.  The librarian recognized me right away, and we had a small conversation about all of this situation, mostly positive, just about being back again.

We came home right after that, and there were some things to be done with plants and vegetables, and a bit of outside work.  Not much though, as it was super hot today.  Madison spent some time doing a little drawing today, just off the top of her head and super quick.

But it turned out well, a nice picture of a nice sunset.  It can't possibly be a sunrise, because Madison' hasn't seen one of those in months!

Of course, we watched "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." tonight, which was the big ending to season three.  It was super sad for Madison, and for all of us, of course.  It's a sad episode.  We knew what was coming, but Madison wasn't 100% sure who it was that would die.  Maybe we'll see Lincoln again in an upcoming episode this season - that would be pretty amazing, actually.  Until then, we have Ghost Rider to deal with, and that will probably be tomorrow night, given that Madison intends to binge this series until we're all caught up. She's seen seasons five and six before, and of course we're in the midst of season seven.  But I think we'll probably be watching four, five and six again anyway, just because that's the momentum.

We finished another thing tonight:  the book "Diggers."  It ends with such a happy note, contrasting the end of the show we were watching.  It's not the end of the entire "Bromeliad Trilogy," but it does end on a happy note for Dorcas, Grimma and the nome characters waiting in England for Masklin, Gurder and Angelo to return.  It's such a nice trilogy, and I was pleasantly surprised when the girls wanted to hear books two and three right away after each conclusion.  That means they're enjoying it.  Maybe we'll try another Terry Pratchett book soon.

Anyway, we had a good day today.  We prayed tonight, and threw small stuffed animals at each other.    That's been the latest thing.  There was hide-and-seek too - Madison's latest thing is taking several stuffed animals and putting them under a blanket in some random place, making it look like it is in fact her under that blanket.  Baby Yoda is always on hand, looking on as well.  Anyway, it was a good day, but we're ready to move on from 2020.  It's an election year, and you just don't want to turn on the news lately.  We were praying tonight for healing, healing for Ba-Ba of course.  But also healing for our land.

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