Thursday, July 30, 2020

Black Eyed Susans

Our plants are doing fine out there, especially these Black Eyed Susans that are on either side of our sidewalk.  We have a lot of flowers and greenery out there, and Gnome Town is doing well, as are our tomatoes.  In just a few days, we'll have some monster red tomatoes ready to pick.  The vines are growing up those bamboo stakes, and those things are seven feet tall!  Everything is growing very well.  We water a few things, but there's also been some rain on and off lately, and that's been a blessing.

We had taekwondo again today, which is something I type a lot here.  It's four days a week now, so yeah.  While I was there, we had a KidPak meeting online, so there was a lot going on for that 45 minutes to an hour.  Madison was earning her third stripe on this red belt, so she's ready to go for her testing next week, when she'll earn her red belt decided.  And yes, the only belt color after that is black.  How the time flies!  I think her first visit was back in 2015, I believe, for a Trunk or Treat in October.  Five years later, here we are, moving forward swiftly towards that black belt.  She's really wanting to get that black belt too, and has it all estimated for Spring of 2021.  

She did some piano today as well.  Her classes with the instructor are about to start up again, but on a different night, this due to the extra taekwondo classes she takes each week.  But we'll drive over there as always and that'll be good to get going again.

I've been writing a lot lately, working on devotionals and so on.  We're doing "Under the Sea" next, so I have to get this devotional written for that series.  For a bit of extra inspiration, we watched "Finding Dory" tonight, and even played the Disney Infinity part of that game for a bit.  There was one level I finished back when we got this game, but I hadn't completely finished it, so there was a bit of swimming to do there.  Anyway, we hadn't seen the movie in a while, and there were some things we forgot about.  It's a visually beautiful movie, and of course it's a fun one too, with a sweet ending.

We said our prayers tonight, and read from "Allegiance" as well.  We're praying for everyone's health, including mine.  I've been struggling lately, but a shift is coming.  We're all going to get better soon.

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