Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A Heavier Season

We had a Zoom meeting at work today, and it was a pretty heavy sort of meeting about the future of our country, the church, and all things.  There is so much going on, and we're supposed to be moving on from all of the viral problems of the spring, and yet the challenges persist.  It's frustrating, and it's depressing.  All we want to do is get together again, but some invisible force is trying to hold us all back.

We listened and prayed, and we're not having church together this weekend as we planned.  That date is moved to August - probably the second weekend in August.  There was a time we thought we'd be back by Easter, to put things in context.  But this stress on our country continues, along with the slow destruction of our economy, which has even deeper implications than any virus.  It's a difficult season, easily.

I've written some today, the parts of the message related to the Tin Man, because he's next.  We'll get the Cowardly Lion after that, and then probably Oz.  It'll be a nice series when it is done, and I've been into the whole "Oz" thing lately.

We had taekwondo again this afternoon, where they were using combat sticks for sparring.  We'll have to get pictures of that next time.  There was a lot of practice with form, and some exercises after the rank camp that's been going on earlier.  Madison wasn't ready for that rank camp yet, and that's okay - she's already had one rank camp this summer.  She'll be getting that new rank probably the first week of August, which is coming up soon.  That'll be time to advance to a red belt decided, and she's working hard to earn that.  Four visits to the studio per week!

Tonight we started season three, which meant a visit from Lash, a character we completely forgot about until tonight.  Madison begged, and so we actually watched four consecutive episodes of this show tonight.  Needless to say, she's really enjoying it.  We got seasons three and four in the mail, and so we'll be going through those the next few weeks, for sure.  Tomorrow night, we visit the planet Maveth, which seems like such a wonderful place.  Until then, we've got Grant Ward stirring up trouble and the emergence of Gideon Malick.  The girls have been on the couch, glued to the television.

We read tonight, we prayed tonight, and we went through out typical routines.  It was a good day for us, but we're praying for our church, and we're praying for Ba-Ba this week.  He's having a blood transfusion and having to wait on one more treatment, but there's a scan coming up, and that will show the test results of all this work that's been done thus far.  We're praying it all turns out well.  Like I said, it's a heavier season.

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