Saturday, July 11, 2020

Beating the Heat

This is Skylar, a friend of Madison's from church.  Madison hasn't seen her since March, but Madison was invited to her birthday party and we had time this afternoon, so off we went over to North Hall to celebrate with pizza and also a trip to the pool!

We were there for quite some time, but it was fun.  You can see Isaac was there, as were Pastor Joey, Jordan and Ollie.  Others from church were there too, so it was fun to have a get-together outside, and just kick back and relax.

Madison and I stopped by the church to pick up some supplies for some games at KidPak, and there we discovered quite a leak in one of the rooms, going through to the floor below - fortunately we were there to catch it in time, otherwise that would have been going on all night.  We got our stuff, and then went off to Chick-Fil-A to get some dinner to bring home to Mommy.

After eating, it was time to catch one more play online, the last for this season.  It's been great catching all these that we've never seen before.  Today's production was "Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat."

The music in this one is so immediately catchy.  And the play was fun too!  We missed this back earlier this year when it broadcast, so this was great to see that they had put it up again online.  We weren't going to miss it this time!

After prayers tonight, and reading, we were in bed a little quicker than usual.  The pool and outdoor activities sort of wear you out quicker in the intense heat.  It's been pretty warm outside, with the heat index throwing things up into the triple digit zone in some places.  I've got to the mow the grass tomorrow morning, so I'll get getting out there earlier before things get to intense.

Anyway, we prayed for Ba-Ba, and we read from "Diggers" a bit more.  And then, it was off to a good night's sleep...

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