Thursday, July 2, 2020

Menacing Tots

Mommy makes a nice presentation for breakfast, but check out Daddy's creation this morning!  I made Madison some tater tots and chicken nuggets for breakfast, and you can see the end result here. Yes, not exactly artwork.  But then again, perhaps it is!  Perhaps I can start my own restaurant and... never mind.  Maybe not.

Anyway, today was a quiet day leading up to a noisy weekend, one where we were continuing out onslaught of mulch upon the yard.  We've been planting all sorts of things, and the yard has looked nice, the grass growing and things looking nice.  We've got a gutter problem at the moment, and we'll have to deal with that, but otherwise, things are moving along.  I am absolutely loving our grill.  We've grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and there's just something unexplainable about preparing a meal on the grill.  You can't beat it!

Today we had another taekwondo class, and there was actually a good bit of sparring going on as well!  Here's a shot of Madison doing some practice kicks:

They've been going on for a while like this, with social distancing going on, and lots of excessive cleaning of surfaces.  But per government and CDC regulations, things are starting to relax more and more as time goes on.  There's been plenty to do in the meantime, such as these kicks, or work on individual form and choreography there.

And of course the kids are washing their hands a lot, using sanitizer and the sinks where they wash their hands a lot.  The rope has been a big hit this week.  Here's Madison going for another swing on it.

With the camps going on this week in the daytime, the obstacle course is left up from earlier, and as a warm-up, the kids can enjoy a run though the course, as you can see above, and with Madison doing some hurdles below.

There's a good amount of kids in the afternoon class, by the way.  You can see a few of them lined up below in this next picture, all waiting for their turn to take a swing on that rope.

Madison gets to class at 3pm now, as there are more students in that class.  The later class has a decent amount, but this one clearly has over double that amount.  Despite some of the personal attention you get in the later class, with a smaller amount of students, she prefers this one because of all her friends she gets to see again, like Evan and Ella here in this photo below.

So we'll try to get her in the earlier class, at least until school starts.  Yes, that's coming up soon, believe it or not.  We're getting ready for that moment - it will certainly be unusual.

Tonight we went back to watch the first Avengers movie once more, this while we're waiting on season three of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." to arrive in the mail.  We were looking for a few things in the movie, namely the appearance of Gideon Malick and his cohorts on the council, who unbeknownst to us at the time were actually working for Hydra.  Also, perhaps there's Daniel Sousa in the movie as well, although that's been a debate as we march through season seven.  Along the way, we're remembering how great of a movie this is - it's one of the best, if not the best superhero movies there is.

Afterwards, it was bedtime, and we continued reading "Truckers," and it's been such an enjoyable read.  I've always liked this book, but it's great to see the girls having fun with it too.  We have a new appreciation for nomes and all they go through, that's for sure!

We said our prayers tonight, and were off to sleep after reading, after throwing pillows, hide-and-seek, after tucking in precisely the same way we've been tucking in for may years now.  It was a nice day today.

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