Thursday, April 16, 2020

Our Daily Routine

This afternoon a friend sent us some pictures of some of our KidPak cast using a filter that made them look like they were five years old.  While these turned out pretty funny, Camille sent us pictures of we ourselves as if we were five years old too!

Here's Mommy, and here below is Madison!

And here from that same picture is Daddy:

So there you go.  These are the things we're accomplishing during our quarantine!  Okay, so that's an exaggeration - we're doing more than just that.  Madison is of course in school, though not technically inside a school.  She had three quizzes today, and got all A's on them.  She also did a follow-up assignment and got an upgrade on a previous summative test, so she's actually doing really well in school right now.  Just not inside school.

Here's a funny thing:  since Daddy worked on the yearbook for her elementary school last year and the year before, they still send me proofs of how the Chestatee yearbook will be.  Today we were looking through it, seeing all the teachers and Madison was reminiscing about life in elementary school.  It seems so long ago, doesn't it?

She was also busy with taekwondo today, setting up the mat and joining the rest of her class.  The TP Challenge is starting to come together for that class, and that's a video we'll share with you soon enough.  Tonight, the instructors Mr. and Mrs. Edge put together a montage of ten or so of those who filmed themselves kicking or punching along a roll of toilet paper, and sure enough, Madison was right there with them, kicking the roll off screen so someone else can then kick it onward themselves.

Daddy was doing a bit of weeding today - and wheezing.  Nobody told the weeds that we were all supposed to self-quarantine.  So I was out there with that.  We were also taking down the eggs off the tree in the front yard, and indoors, we took down Hoppy Hollow.  This is such a great collection of ceramic Easter bunny homes and stores.  Nobody told them about the quarantine either.  They just keep hopping along!  Well, at least until today.  It was time to pack them up for another year.  Last week, Madison carefully put them all out, populating the village with all the tiny happy Easer bunnies hopping to and fro.  It's quite a vast happy hoppy empire!

Mommy prepared another Chinese food feat for us, a wonderful meal with won ton soup and sweet and sour chicken with rice.  She's been sewing a lot of vests and Bible costumes upstairs, keeping herself going forward.  With that thinking in mind, we've got a lot of outside stuff to do, as spring is here:  mulch, weeding, planting and so on.  Lots going on!

We finished our cards for the senior centers, and Mrs. Rogers came by to pick them up as usual.  Her job is driving from house to house to pick up all these cards and then deliver them to the senior care homes.  She played a voice mail she got from one of those homes, and it was a person that was thanking Madison and myself personally for the cards and gifts.  It was nice to hear.

Today Daddy was feeling the effects of pollen or something.  Lots of wheezing.  We sat down and read for a bit - there's this one book with the Star Wars characters Bossk and Ezra Bridger, and that's been entertaining.  But tonight's reading got Daddy very excited, as we're going back to Narnia with the book, "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader."  Yes!  Already, that's been a big hit with Madison and Mommy.  Edmond's commentaries on Eustace are hilarious.  I'm sure there's a bit of Mr. C.S. Lewis inside Edmund.  Actually, there's a lot of Edmond in all of us.  Good and bad, of course.

So tonight, we continued our Star Wars Marathon with "The Last Jedi," which of course shows us how Poe Dameron is responsible for killing 85% of the Rebellion.  But all that aside, we enjoyed the movie for what it was, even all the unexplainable bits.  One thing of note is how Luke Skywalker has been under quarantine for such a long time.  Rey has a great quote that's completely related to this season of our lives.

LUKE:  "You need a teacher.  I cannot teach you."
REY:  "Why not?  I've seen your daily routine.  You're not busy."

Yep, that pretty much sums up quarantine.  Sadly, we don't have any porgs around us.  Still, it's a restful time in some ways.  We're all getting things done, but at a little bit of a slower pace.  The weather is perfect, as we sit out on the front porch and do work or read or write.  It's been good though.

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