Monday, April 6, 2020

Making Adjustments

Today we had an appointment with our chiropractor, and as you can see here, they take wearing proper face covering very seriously!

Doc Williams has a great sense of humor, and has a lot of fun each visit, always telling jokes and goofing off with Madison.  She loves visiting here as well.  Daddy said that our chiropractor knows there's a lot going on in the world right now, but he's making adjustments.  That was a bad joke there, I know.

It's not odd, but it seems odd how over-the-top we all are with the contact we make.  You can see the traditional Corona Elbow Greeting demonstrated above.  But beforehand, the beds were wiped down, as were the doorknobs and everything else.  We were opening doors with feet or forearms, paying with a credit card that never touched anyone else's hands, and still washing our hands anyway at the end of it.  It was a good visit, and we're always glad to go, particularly to support yet another small business.  Additionally, we did need the adjustments, so it was a good visit.

We got home, and of course we mentioned a bear hunt earlier.  This is something the kids can do throughout the neighborhood.  They're with their parents, riding down the street, and they look out the car window for bears.  The residents here have put a few out here or there, and we've got one on our front porch now:

It's just another fun thing to do for the kids.  Madison had her piano class today, so we had things set up there for another Skype piano class.  She was playing then, and earlier with some practice.  She also helped Daddy spray paint some things out in the yard.  We did a few swords, a few bowls, and a basket stool that's lost some of its color.

We talked to all the grandparents today, and everyone is doing fine.  We also started a free online "Imagineering Class," which has begun with us making up our own themed section of a park.  Madison had gone with Arendelle to begin with, but things were leaning towards Star Wars rather quickly.  Daddy was thinking of a Nightmare Before Christmas park, or an "Under Construction" area, or what about a Steampunk themed park?  We were just getting started with this one, so we'll have to fill you in on how it goes.

It's spring break, so she doesn't have any classwork to do, and we're all grateful for that break.  Hopefully things will calm down here, as the last couple of weeks have been rather intense online.  Still, she was doing a bit of photography assignment, uploading and adjusting her pictures related to nature.  They've come out well!

Tonight we started a Star Wars marathon, one that will go on for eleven movies I guess.  I mean, we could add an Ewok movie or two, but I doubt we'll be that intensive.  We saw "The Phantom Menace" tonight, and I can't believe it is over twenty years ago.  I remember seeing the midnight showing for this one.  There were people all dressed up in Star Wars costumes and we all had this huge level of expectation for months about another Star Wars series.  It will never beat the original trilogy, but it was a fun movie.  We've seen it a few times with Madison, and tomorrow we'll watch Episode II.

Tonight we read from our Thrawn book again - it's a longer one.  But we're getting towards the end of that, and we'll have to do part three some other time, as the library is closed until June or so.  In the meantime, there's the next Narnia book, and Daddy is anxious to read a Terry Pratchett book as well.  We'll see where we go next, but for now, this Thrawn book has been good.

We said our prayers tonight, and added some prayers for the British Prime Minister.  It's supposed to be a rough week as far as numbers go, but it will hopefully be peaking out, and it will hopefully be going back down now.  The ultimate hope is for a vaccine soon enough.  But we'll see as time goes by.  It's a historic time, one in which we're all making adjustments.

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