Friday, April 3, 2020

Egg Tree

Well, first of all, take a look at the Slave I!  Madison completed her latest LEGO project, and it turned out really well.  I completely forgot that it came with a tiny Jango Fett and a little Boba Fett too!  This is a wonderful creation, and these are something Madison really enjoys doing.  She'll sit there at the table we have set up, patiently putting each block into place, following the instructions carefully.  What's unique about these LEGO projects are the long stretches where you put block after block into place, not quite sure what you're doing.  You have this vague shape and you're trying to figure out where it falls into place, and maybe even why.  And then suddenly there's this point where it all makes sense, and you start to see the big picture.

Speaking of which, here's a big picture Madison took, and obviously added a filter.  The Slave I seems to be flying through some dark and murky territory here!

Here's another picture Madison took:

This is one of her "nature" pictures taken today from the yard.  She snapped a few outside as part of her photography assignment.  She has another week to take these pictures, but took a few today to get started.

This one turned out nice as well.  She's a big fan of the depth of field in photography, getting up close to snap a picture of something in the foreground with a blurred backdrop.  You'll see more of that in the coming days.

We sent this picture to the Edges, because each day Madison has also been training on their webpage.  There's a checklist of exercises to complete each day, and Madison has been faithfully attacking that list, completing each assignment in the living room.  Daddy has the computer hooked up to the television to make it easier to see, although she's got a lot of the material memorized by this point.

It was another pretty day today.  Daddy snapped this picture of the moon later on today, as we were out doing a bit of decorating.  I've never done this before, but given the state of things, we decided to decorate one of our trees outside.

It's an Easter egg tree!  There was a neighbor who came up with an idea for the kids in the neighborhood, a house-by-house Easter egg hunt, where families could drive or walk through the neighborhood, and look for Easter eggs.

You can see we have plenty now dangling from one of our trees.  It looks nice there, as does the new wreath that Mommy made this afternoon.

She used straw from an Easter basket, and glued plastic eggs on there as well.  Finally, the stuffed bunny was the finishing touch.  She did a great job with this one!

Our "Rejoice" garden flag is out there too, to remind folks of the real reason for this season.  You can see those Easter eggs in the background too though.  The yard looks nice now, all decorated for Easter week.

We did some work in the garage today as well, painting the floor and hanging up some of those vintage metal signs.  It's cleaner now, or at least more organized.  There's a few items in the "to go" pile.  But it's looking good.  This is a great time to get the house in order.

Also on the list of things done today: we finished the letters to the senior centers.  It was very much a group effort, but we contributed quite a few handwritten letters to the elderly that have been stuck in these homes without any visitors.  Next week, we'll actually start handwriting letters to the workers at these homes, and that's nearly the same amount.  One of our neighbors is going to help with that, and of course we'll add our letters to those being written by other volunteers at the church.

It was a nice day today.  We watched the new "Clone Wars" tonight, and an older episode that this one made a reference to as well.  We did our reading, and our prayers.  And we're still doing hide-and-seek and zerberts.  It was a good day together!

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