Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Easter Eggs

Tonight we had a KidPak Cast Reunion online, and it was very special!  More people than the ones that you see above actually showed up, but these are some of the cast members from the past, and of course the ones from the present as well.  We hadn't met in some time, but it was so good to catchup with everyone.  Madison was anxious to see everyone again, and all of us talked for just over two hours online.  It was so nice tonight!

As a result, we stared our next Star Wars movie a little later, but afterwards there was popcorn, and there was also the Supreme Chancellor saying, "Do It!"  Yes, we made it to Episode III, and all the revenge and sithy stuff that follows.

One of the most fun things we did today was our annual Easter egg decorating!

I say!  Here's Madison in the midst of coloring eggs.  We spent a good while on making these, each of us investing a little more time trying to come up with ideas and so on.

Here's our group shot that we usually take at the end of things.  We don't have all the eggs on this one plate, but it's a good sample of the kind of eggs we were doing!

Madison was exploring the gradients of color a lot, and as you can see here, she's added three crosses to make a picture of what happened for us on Good Friday.

And here's her Grand Admiral Thrawn.  Yes, he's an Easter egg now!  This was inspired, I tell you.  I really don't know of anyone that has made a Grand Admiral Thrawn Easter egg.  It turned out well - she dyed the egg blue, and then drew on the face, and painted the white uniform and red eyes.  Meanwhile, Daddy was working on another character:

This is my attempt at a Baymax.  It is slightly off in the look of the uniform, this due to Daddy using his memory rather than actually looking at a picture.  Still, it has the look of Baymax, particularly the eyes, the white and red - and purple abdomen area.  It turned out well in the end, after a bit of effort.

Ah, and here's the inevitable Baby Yoda egg, which was fun to do, and a bit easy as well.  Here's one egg that was not inevitable:

It's Jabba the Egg.  Madison was mixing a few colors there, and noted that the combination reminded her of Jabba the Hutt, so she was off and running, looking up a photo and actually drawing this one on the yellow area.

Here's an example of the experimental nature of today's coloring, as Madison was playing around with gradients and different colors.

It was fun, and we spent a good time doing this today.

Here's another Star Wars egg, one that's again a unique idea.  That's Ahsoka walking out of the temple at the end of the most dramatic episode of "Star Wars Rebels."  Madison was drawing that one out on an egg, sure enough!

And meanwhile, here's Daddy's Jawa egg.  You can see there was a strong Star Wars influence on some of these eggs!

We have raised a geek.

Anyway, this was a fun thing to do, and we were grateful to have the eggs to do that with.  Of course, it's always a tradition to have a lot of hard boiled eggs after Easter, but it's fun doing the decorating beforehand.

Speaking of Easter, today we were doing a lot of filming for KidPak, socially distant and over at the church.  Daddy was dressed as the Easter bunny again, and we filmed a few quick things for our Easter service upcoming.

We took a break from all of that to get on a conference call with the President.  Mommy, Daddy, and a few others of us sat around the phone to listen in as the President, Vice-President and a few church leaders shared their thoughts and prayers during this Easter season.  It was nice, a conference call with about 10,000 church leaders.

Tonight Mommy made a tremendous feast, a Chinese meal with the special dishes and just a wonderful presentation.  Furthermore, it was superb!  She is a wonderful cook, and prepares these delicious meals for us.  This one took a long time to cook, and we tried to take our time and savor it, but it was so tasty!

We had a good day today, and a fairly productive one too.  We prayed tonight as always, and we continued with our books too.  But it was late when we were done, mainly because of the lengthy conference call with KidPak friends.  We were all asleep rather quickly tonight, after a long, full day!

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