Saturday, April 18, 2020


Madison spent a good deal of time reorganizing her room today, which was a big deal as many of the shelves have had the same things on them for years now.  These included stuffed pandas and ladybugs, reminders of her heritage some time ago.  These are now replaced with letters, cards, and Star Wars LEGO characters too.  The other material isn't being thrown away, certainly not the panda bear she got for her second birthday while in China.  But she's just ready for a different look.  So she was there doing a bit of restructuring there.  She also worked on her piano somewhat today, and did her taekwondo form practice as well.  There were five additional moves to the existing form, so she doesn't think it will be that hard to add these extra steps.  Nevertheless, she was practicing that.  She was also practicing a game of catch with Daddy out in the front yard, as the weather was super nice today.  We threw the ball back and forth, and again, she's got a great arm on her for throwing the ball, and is for the most part pretty accurate.  Daddy and Mommy were out there weeding again today, fighting back the thorny things that want to take over, and raking a lot of leaves back and out of the way as well.  It's starting to look better already, but we've got a ways to go on that.

Mommy made a delicious entry this morning for breakfast, some British soldiers.  We've got the recipe down pat now, bringing the water to a rolling boil, turning it back a bit, setting the eggs in there for six minutes, and then pulling them out to put them into some cold water for a shock.  Yes, Daddy has that memorized now after Mommy's careful instruction.  The end result was masterful, along with some toast.

We have a few different containers for British soldiers, and it's always great to have that for breakfast - a real treat!

Daddy finished up the Steampunk series he's done in the past, fixing up some grammar and making it more of a presentable pdf.  It turned out well!  It's called "Out of the Scrapheap," and does a good job of tying the Steampunk genre with some Bible stories.  It's been good!  Now that's three "imaginary" series done during this quarantine, with about four to go at least.  Daddy's hoping to have a Jungle Book one done soon, and a "Bible Blues" series also fixed up.

Staying at home across the world, we have been blessed with all kinds of new livestream shows and plays and visits to the library, and this is brought up again here now because today we were able to see "Phantom of the Opera" on stage as a part of an ongoing blessing from Andrew Lloyd Weber to the world.  Daddy has seen this play three times, and pretty much has every word of music from the first act memorized.  He and Mommy went in September of 2001, right after the attacks of 9/11.  It was a different world back then, but there are some similarities to today.

All that said, it was Madison's first viewing, and she really liked it.  Our friend Camille is a big fan, and again, I've got a good bit of it memorized, as I've listened to the music so much.  This production we saw was lavish and spectacular.  it was so amazing, and then to cap it all off, the surviving original cast came out at the end, and there were four actors who played the Phantom that sang alongside the original Christine.  This was a version from 2011, I think, and it's out there on Blu-ray and DVD.  But we had never seen it before, and this was just a nice thing to do alongside so many others across the world.  I think millions were watching this.

Today we had to get out of the house for a bit, beyond the yard at least.  We drove over to Chick-Fil-A, and went through the drive-thru, as that's all that people can do for the time being.  Even so, they've got such an efficient system down that it didn't take long to go through.  It was so great to see people supporting all these restaurants and so forth.  When the small businesses open up, hopefully people will flock to those with their stimulus checks to help these places survive.

We did hide-and-seek as usual tonight, and then reading too.  We're in Narnia, and it's just a wonderful read.  All of us are enjoying the time we spend there, almost as if we really are in Narnia.  We said our prayers afterwards, and not long after that, we were asleep.  We don't have to get up too early for church tomorrow, but we'll be up and on the couch on time to enjoy morning service.

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