Thursday, April 23, 2020

Taekwondo Storms

Another Zoom meeting, another backdrop - this one offered from Pee Wee's Playhouse.  We were talking about mail-outs, and that will be a fairly big part of my day tomorrow, and probably tonight as well.  There's this monkey email system that I'll be figuring out, to send emails out to all our families at the church from OC to Georgia to South Carolina.  Madison stopped by in the meeting to say hello as well!

This was later on, and Daddy changed the backdrop to the classic school picture back drop with the lasers.  We had a few meetings today, and during that, Madison was doing some work at school, and not the Milestones testing she was supposed to have if this whole mess with the virus hadn't started.  And speaking of which, here she is doing yet another online taekwondo tonight as Mr. Edge looks on.

She's been enthusiastic and doing well for these classes.  This one was unique, as there were severe storms scattered all over the area, and some of the kids were getting hit by hailstorms and super heavy rain.  The martial arts studio actually had hail falling just moments before they started class, and it was pretty loud there.  Fortunately, everyone was okay.  They were doing their exercises all during the storm, and yes it was raining here as well.

Daddy was working on being a plumber during this whole practice, except for taking that picture above, of course.  I replaced the shower head in our master bathroom with a bigger one, and an extra extension as well.  So that will be nice.  I've never done anything like that before, so I'm kind of proud of myself for doing even this minute bit of plumbing.  Let's just say I'm at level 2 now, a yellow belt in plumbing.

Tonight was all about Narnia.  We watched the movie "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" this evening, all seated on the couch with our fresh popcorn.  And we read a chapter from "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" tonight before bed, the exciting part with a big sea serpent and the mysterious Deathwater Island.

It was a nice day, another part of our pleasant sentence at home.  Of course, we all wish we could get out and about a bit, and that is going to happen sooner than later.  But at least we're together.  We were praying today for Ba-Ba and a scan he's had on his lungs, and for all the world for healing.  It's an interesting time of unification.  That is, unless you turn on news outlets or super opinionated social media people.  We prayed for our leaders, for wisdom and guidance, and we prayed for our nation.  It's a troubling time, and we're uneasy until we pray and remember God is always with us, and that there's a plan in place.  We don't know what it is, but we'll trust in the Lord with all our hearts, and lean not on our own understanding.

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