Saturday, April 11, 2020

Hopping Around the Neighborhood

Today Daddy, Madison, and Dawn and her daughter Camille were walking the neighborhood, but you can see above what Daddy was dressed as!  We took a lot of pictures with families in their front yard, pictures with little kids very excited to see the Easter Bunny actually hopping around the neighborhood.

Here he is, standing over a picture of an Easter bunny created with chalk.  There's a lot of neighbors doing chalk art on their driveways, all of this in an attempt to bring cheer to the neighborhood.  Sort of like what we were doing, actually!

Today we finally were able to see the Sight & Sound's production of "JESUS."  Until recently, I've never heard of Sight & Sound, but after seeing their version of "JESUS" on the computer today, we're certainly wanting to see some of the other things they've been doing.

This is easily the greatest stage production about Jesus that we've ever seen, and given our background you may know that's no small statement.  We've done a lot of huge productions based on the life of Jesus, and we've put a lot into it.  But this was something that must have taken an army to put together, a massive production that is amazing to watch.

The sets, the scenery, the costuming, the acting, the special effects - all of it is on another level.  It was a very moving production, one that had us hooked from the start.  

Anyway, it was great to see, and appropriate viewing given the nature of this weekend.  The three of us really enjoyed this.

There were other things going on today too, although he bunny walk took a good deal of time. Madison had her piano practice, and Daddy actually visited one of the pastors in town to pay a visit as the Easter Bunny.  That was nice.  We put a pause on the Star Wars marathon, but that will continue after tomorrow, especially because of what will be in Madison's Easter basket. 

The storms are looking more and more dangerous tomorrow.  We're keeping an eye on that.  But there seems to be a few cracks in this virus' armor, and there seems to be a surge of hope in regards to defeating it, and getting our nation back on track.  In other words, Sunday really is on the way, and our hopes are all about to resurrect.  

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