Thursday, April 9, 2020

Bunny Taekwondo!

No, Daddy is not calling from Tattooine.  But we did finally figure out how to make it look like our conference calls are from a different planet.  Daddy got this jedi bathrobe some time ago, and it completed the look.  It got a few laughs this morning, and we kept up the backdrop on our screen throughout the meeting just for fun:

Live from Tattooine.  Things are fine here on our desert world, except for those pesky jawas.  They aren't big fans of social distancing.

Tonight we continued the Star Wars movie marathon with "Solo," just to reaffirm that we're doing all the current Star Wars movies.  I have no idea which movie is next, actually, or even when.  None of us know when we're going to the theater again, but it is good to know that there are so many online options right now.  We've been watching a few passion plays online, including one from New Jersey last week, and there's another big one on Good Friday.  Of course, there are the online services as well - we'll be taking Communion with Pastor Franklin tomorrow at noon on Good Friday.  Even though we're not all meeting in a church, we are the church, and you can't stop this weekend.

Speaking of online services, check out who came to visit with us for taekwondo tonight!

Yes, that's the Easter bunny, all dressed up and ready to help lead practice with the nunchucks!  Madison got a kick out of that.  Tonight was a fun night, which included the Easter Bunny and scavenger hunts too.  I love that the Easter Bunny is so proficient with nunchucks.  But we already knew that, don't we?

Notice the pink belt the Easter Bunny is wearing.  We're not entirely sure how one earns a pink belt in taekwondo, but the Easter Bunny is obviously so accomplished with his skills that he has in fact earned that special pink belt.

I suppose years and years of practice can lead to a pink belt, and it only makes sense given how far this Bunny travels each year.  You never know who you're going to run into, so it's good to have some nunchucks nearby, right?  He's got a job to do, and he doesn't mess around!

And of course, Madison doesn't mess around either.  While tonight was fun, she was also working hard with kicks, exercise, and practice on her form.  You can see the colorful squares all placed down to help her with the floor attacks.  She's been working hard!

The Edges have been working hard too.  It's been a lot more effort keeping this going, but they've been doing a great job keeping the kids involved, practicing, and moving forward.

And laughing too.

One more thing we did tonight, and we just so happened to be online when the announcement came up.

This is a certificate that the Daytona Tortugas sent us tonight, because we attended the online opening night at home.  Of course, we weren't physically there, nor where any of the other attendees.  But we all were watching online as Sheldon, their mascot, was there to help with an opening first pitch.  There was the singing of the National Anthem, which we watched while standing up in our homes, and after a few announcements, there were those two great words, spoken by a special guest:  "Play Ball!"  And while we couldn't watch a game tonight, it was neat to be together at Jackie Robinson stadium.

So tonight we read, and we prayed, and we closed out the day a little earlier than normal.  It was a good day though, despite not really getting out too much.  Everyone's doing the best we can in this unique situation, even using Bunny mascots and Turtle mascots too.

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