Thursday, April 30, 2020

Darth Shelldon

Meet Darth Sheldon, clearly a result of what could happen if this enforced quarantine goes on much longer.  This baseball mascot is just dressing up like Darth Vader now, but he could easily fall to the dark side if things last too long.  We did this as a response to a post from the Daytona Tortugas, one they hit the "love" button on.  But we would "love" to go see them again, and hopefully that will be sooner than later.

Tonight I was still at church, this after filming Nerdo for a good bit for our upcoming KidPak service online.

There's nothing particularly interesting about this photograph, other than the fact that it was taken at exactly 7pm on a Wednesday night, and under normal circumstances, this room would be filled with people, and lights would be on in the sanctuary behind me, and service would be starting with loud shouts of praise.  And that will happen again, no doubt.  But for now, we're still in lockdown, and for now, 7pm on Wednesday night has that same eerie quiet as it has the past few weeks.

As mentioned, I was filming today, and doing some behind the camera work for Sunday, and that took a good bit of time.  But it turned out well in the end, as we'll see on Sunday morning when the next service premieres.

Madison was working on homework for a large part of the day, taking a few tests and getting a few grades as well.  She's still doing well.  She did spend longer today on her classwork, but she also got to spend some time with friends chatting online.

We're doing "The Quest" again at KidPak.  That's our next online series - you read it here first.  The only ones that know that are our staff, and anyone who comes across this post, which is not that many, of course.  We don't keep up with this blog to share with the world, of course, but instead to remember each day and make sure we have something good - or at least important - going on each day we've been given.  Even in these self-isolated times, we're moving forward, although with smaller steps it seems.

Tonight, we watched "On Stranger Tides" as a part of our ongoing marathon.  I think with "The Quest" going on at KidPak, the next series might be related to "Jumanji" or "Indiana Jones."  Until then, we've got one more pirate movie to watch tomorrow.  Tonight's was good, of course, with Blackbeard and Angelica.  What ever happened to Angelica, by the way?  She finds the little doll of Jack Sparrow washed up on shore, and there's the smirk... and then that's it.  What happens next?  We got Will and Elizabeth's story wrapped up.  Except the possibility of Davy Jones, of course, in the post credits.  But now we've got more questions!  What happened to Anglica, and what's up with Davy Jones, and where's Mr. Cotton, Pintel and Ragetti?  Pirate fans want to know!

Despite these lingering questions, we enjoyed the movie, and will do the same tomorrow.  Arrrrr!

Tonight Madison and Daddy were squaring off on the planet Mustafar, returning to Star Wars Battlefront, and it was glorious chaos.  Madison loved it.  We were playing that game a little too late tonight!

We read tonight, continuing our voyage on the Dawn Treader further east, and praying again for all those who are sick, and those leaders who face difficult decisions in the days to come.  Stranger Tides, indeed.

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