Monday, April 13, 2020

Big Hero Messages

Last night we were up until about 3am or so, carefully monitoring the progress of these tremendous storms that crossed the Southeast.  There was one in Cherokee County that they calculated would hit us in 26 minutes, and sure enough, that was the time - somewhere after 2am or so.  It was a tornado warning down there in Cherokee, but by the time it got closer to this location, that threat dissipated, to our relief.  Other parts of Georgia were certainly not as lucky.  We watched as a tornado formed and moved into Upson County and beyond, a long track for a strong E3 tornado.  It was a harrowing night to be certain, and we're grateful for the grace that was over us and many others this weekend.  At the same time, we were praying for those hurting from the traumatic night.  It wasn't as frightening as that night back in April of 2011.  But you just need to pay attention to the world around you, and be ready for anything.  This sort of thing doesn't care who it is devastating.

We were "back to school" today, although again we're not actually in school.  Madison has new assignments, books to read and so forth.

Her photography assignment is different this week.  This picture above isn't related to that, but rather something she took today for fun.  She did turn in her assignments related to pictures taken in nature, or rather the nature in our neighborhood.  Many state parks and forests are closed down currently, to discourage people from getting out.  And that's fine - there's plenty to see in our neighborhood.

She worked on school work, and worked on her piano practice today too.

Meanwhile, Daddy was doing some writing today, and in fact, I finished a series that I just made up in my spare time, a six-part sermon series with each message based on a Big Hero 6 character.  It turned out rather well.  I love these characters, and we've been enjoying the series.  I'd love to throw that here, but I don't think the pdfs will get shared.  So I snapped this picture of the cover I made up:

Trying to stay productive in this season.  If anyone wants this series, I'll send it out to them.  We've got to keep moving forward together.

Tonight we watched "The Empire Strikes Back," and also another episode of the team from Big Hero 6, and after that, it was time for prayers and and reading.  It was a good day - a quiet one, certainly compared to the events of yesterday.  We're grateful for God's grace over us, and for His continued protection.

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