Sunday, November 17, 2019

Full Sunday

Here's a shot of this morning's skit, sort of a mad-lib chaos on stage, which is always a ton of fun.  I think this shot is actually at the end of the skit, where everyone is about to take a bow and move on.  But before this moment, they were doing all kinds of goofy things, all based on words that the kids submitted earlier.  We have a lot of improv fun, and then afterwards everyone was ready for a message about identity, a message based on the game, "Hedbanz."  It was a super fun morning!

We got home after that, and it was a brief little window there.  Mommy had this wonderful meal cooked up, of course, and it was such a blessing.  The brief little window was because there was Christmas production practice after that.  We raced back to the church, and there we had a great and productive night learning lines and doing limited blocking.  There was a service going on tonight, but those of us involved in the production were off in a separate room, working towards the production.  Madison was there with the other eight kids, and it was a sweet moment of the practice.  We were all just talking about the play, about our characters, and about the message behind the play we're doing.  The kids were all very well behaved, as they have been, and each one was really interested in learning about their character, and the reasons why they say the things they do.  It was such a great night together.

We got home afterwards, and finally got to spend some time on the couch by the tree, watching a Christmas movie.  We saw "A Christmas Story" tonight, mainly fueled by the thought that we'll be seeing the live production of that later on this month.  We've got some big plans for this Christmas season with productions though - we've got plans to do a few new things, and it'll be pretty exciting!  One of those destinations:  a visit with Mr. Scrooge, one week from today!

We read from Narnia tonight, and the devotional as well.  It was a good, full day at the church.  We got to bed at a reasonable hour, because it was easy to sleep tonight.  The day was so full, and the covers were nice and warm.

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