Monday, November 4, 2019

Stuffing and Stuff

It's a big project getting the living room Christmas tree in place, and you really don't feel like you've done all that much.  Even worse, it's not entirely possible to do it well all in one go.  So that's how I'm sort of feeling today, but I did get about 85% of the tree up and going, brought up, fluffed, with lights on, and nearly all the ornaments on it in strategic places.  That's the thing about it, the placement of the ornaments, making sure they go in appropriate spaces and not crowding over one another so much.  We were listening to a lot of Christmas music today, and just generally relaxing on a super gloomy day outside.  It took a while to shake the gloom free, and part of that might have been birthed out of the bad news from Florida, that Ba-Ba had lost a significant amount of weight, along with his lowering blood pressure.  We've been praying for him, and we're believing, and sometimes things don't look like they'll be okay on the surface.  But that was certainly the case with Mommy, who is still here and doing well.  So there's that.  We'll be okay!

Madison was at school early this morning, as she will be every single day this week for different reasons.  The next three days are all for Live to Give, with Madison collecting cans and packages of stuffing for families for Thanksgiving.  I think it's called "Stuffing Stuff" or "Stuff the Stuffing" or "Stuffing and Stuff," or something like that.  Madison has probably told me three times, and I still can't seem to get the name right!  Anyway, she's helping gather up donations for families, as lots of people are donating stuffing this year.  Last year it had to do with "cramming cranberries," so I suppose next year it could be "mashing potatoes" or something like that.  Or how about a new direction?  Peas on Earth?  Yeah or nay?

Madison had piano class tonight, which went well.  We've been trying to squeeze piano in wherever we can in her schedule at home, and are hoping this is all going okay.  We just didn't have time for a recital this year with all the other things going on, including this Christmas production upcoming.  Madison plays a part in that with lines and everything.  She'll do wonderfully!

Tomorrow we'll get to practice, and we'll continue writing... there's so much to be done.  We're having a meeting early, and then more and more.  It's a lot of work on the play, but it'll be a wonderful production with a lot of happy memories.

Speaking of which, we did get our usual box seats for "The Nutcracker," and in fact we're probably going opening night this year.  We're so glad to be able to go, and that this other production won't conflict with that one.  Despite all that's going on, we'll have a good Christmas season.

Even if we have to stuff everything in the calendar, "stuffing stuff."

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