Friday, November 15, 2019


So we've been addicted to "Disney Plus."  A lot of our friends have been, and we've been talking about this series or that episode or a particular movie that no one has seen in a long time.  It's been great fun, and of course the Star Wars material has been a bit hit with Madison.  We've all been watching "The Mandalorian," including today's second episode that shows a lot of love (and abuse) towards those jawas.  It was as if the episode was inspired by the old Super Nintendo game "Super Star Wars."  There's a lot to love about this show, a lot of little details and reverence for the Star Wars world.

Our immediate group has been really into it.  And as far as Star Wars goes, there was one hilarious thing that has happened that may take some explanation, and it's the word "Maclunkey."

Back in 1977, the first "Star Wars" movie was released, and in that movie, Han Solo shoots Greedo, and shoots him first.  But the director of this movie is famous for making adjustments to a movie that's already been released.  So the new version, and the only version you can get from this point on, will have the new revisions in it.  That being said, Daddy has the last really great versions of the movie at home, the ones that are updated only with the quality, and not necessarily any changed content.  Anyway, this scene with Greedo and Han has generated so much conversation over the years.  Daddy still has a t-shirt that his sister got him a few years ago for Christmas, one that says, "Han shot first."  Because he did.  In 1977, he shot first, and there's no earlier version than that, and there you go.  But the revision, I think, was designed to make him a kinder, gentler Han.  One who would never shoot first.  So Greedo shoots first in subsequent releases, and Han does this CGI jig to get out of the way, and it looks awful, because it was the 1990's and the movie was twenty years old by that point.  So attempts were made to fix all that, and have Greedo shoot, and Han shoot just after Greedo and so on.  I don't know how many times this scene has been edited, honestly.  But here we go again:  apparently, just before the director sold the movie to Disney, he changed this scene one last time.  And it's been unreleased all this time... until now.  Until Disney Plus.

So, what's the big change?  Maclunkey!  For some reason, here's the script:

GREEDO:  "I've been looking forward to this a long time."
HAN:  "I bet you have."
GREEDO:  "Maclunkey."
HAN shoots GREEDO.

And no one currently has any clue as to what it means.  Up until now, all of Greedo's dialogue is translated below, as if this were a foreign movie.  But not the word, "Maclunkey."  So nobody knows exactly what it means currently, or at least no one is talking if they do.  Furthermore, there's all kinds of speculation going on.  What does "Maclunkey" mean?

Hopefully the director will never say.  Or maybe that's the word that will be on his gravestone.

ANYWAY, moving on.  Madison had art club this morning, and she was working on a ceramic pot, something that was fired and glazed.  We'll see the end product eventually, but we're glad Madison is in art club so she can experience new ways to express herself creatively.  She passed up on an extra math studies session to attend art club, but last night she was spending a lot of extra time studying.  She wound up getting an A on the math quiz today, so it's all good.

Today we had our Wisdom Club dinner at church, although Mommy can't really eat much from that.  She was there at the office to help though.  We were setting up for Sunday, and also setting up for Sunday night, when we'll have an extra service in the evening.  We went to the library to pick up a new book for Madison, one called "Bloodline."  She's been really into this one Star Wars author lately, one named Claudia Grey.  This new book is about Princess Leia, so it was a no-brainer that Madison would be into this one as well.  Also, we picked up a Christmas book a little early, one called "Lump of Coal."  It's by Lemony Snicket, so it should be a bit of Christmas fun!

Madison was doing piano practice when she got home, but tonight we were anxious to watch a few more Christmas specials.  One of them, of course, was on Disney Plus:  it was "Noelle."

It was fun!  It wasn't a huge Christmas classic along the lines of "Elf" or "A Christmas Story," but it still had its moments, and a lot of spirit behind it.  We had the popcorn and the couch and the Christmas tree, so we kept it going after that with "Mickey's Christmas Carol."  It was such a nice time together, as these always are.  It's just great to snuggle on the couch together, under the big blankets and get into the Christmas season - already.  Yes, I know it's early.  But again, we're missing out on some of it this year, so we had to start earlier.  But even so, we'd probably start the same time anyway, as we're big Christmas nerds - something like Noelle.

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