Saturday, November 9, 2019

Third Tree

You can see we got the third tree up, which just leaves Madison's tree to go.  This one here is nice, with rustic ornaments and a woodsy feel in places.  That's why the new Big Foot ornament goes on this tree here.  That was the first one hung up on this tree here.  Daddy was decorating the tree as Madison was practicing her piano this afternoon.  It was a good day for decorating.  Mommy was off with some friends this morning, so Daddy and Madison did some decorating, starting with this tree, and then off to putting all our nutcrackers into place.  That's a growing collection of nutcrackers we have.

We were listening to all kinds of Christmas music, but at one point we took a break:  the two of us played a game of LIFE with a Star Wars theme.  That's when Daddy put on the Star Wars Christmas record, which grows on you!  We were listening to that as we were playing LIFE.  Madison won both times!

Tonight we watched "A Mom for Christmas," which features one of my favorite Christmas characters, a mannequin that comes to life.  His name is Wilkins, and he's a chauffeur of a car that's put in a department store for some odd reason.  His only dialogue seems to be about the car he drives, which makes for some very random quotes:  "Purrs like a cat.  Drives like a dream."

Afterwards, we watched another Christmas special or two:  the episode of "The Real Ghostbusters," where the guys accidentally captures the three ghosts from "A Christmas Carol."

We also watched the Jetsons version of a Christmas Carol, where Mr. Spacely decides to be good to everyone so he can avoid getting sued.

That's an important message this Christmas, don't you think?

"Kids, treat others with love and kindness this Christmas.  Or you might get sued, and lose everything you own and have your family leave you.  Merry Christmas!"

Obviously, you can't take these sorts of cartoons seriously.  We were watching it because it's been forever since I've seen George Jetson, and it was great to spend the holidays with this futuristic family.

Okay, so that was the day pretty much.  We did a whole lot of cleaning today, dusting off a lot of cobwebs up way up high in the ceiling.  We got a lot of decorations up, and we had a nice quiet day today.  Tomorrow will be a pretty full day, so it's off to sleep earlier tonight.  We read, and we prayed, and then we were under the covers deep.  It's chilly out there tonight!

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