Sunday, November 3, 2019


This morning we got a visit from the Monopoly Guy, otherwise known as Uncle Rich to some.  He's been one Daddy has been wanting to feature for quite some time, along with a Monopoly skit if at all possible.  The challenge was how to do that, given we didn't have a big board and people weren't moving all along that board.  Also, I didn't want to have actors sitting at a table playing the game, but instead wanted to have something a little more in the realm of fantasy.  That's when I started to think of Jake the Jailbird.

This guy has been in jail since 1935, and he sort of got me thinking in the direction I did, of players landing in jail, discouraged and needing to be motivated by a visit from Uncle Rich.

We ordered everyone Monopoly t-shirts, and of course the Uncle Rich costuming.  The skit was a lot of fun to do, and I think I'll share it below when I'm done.  In the meantime, the rest of the service was great too, including Pastor Lance's message.

We were talking about Paul, and about his adding churches to properties along the Mediterranean.  In fact, here's the overview of the message that Daddy wrote up:


     Perhaps the most popular game of all time would be "Monopoly." There are hundreds of different versions, including one made of chocolate - and another made of pure gold! Did you know the oldest Monopoly board is a circle in shape, and not a square? And the largest permanent version of the game is 930 square feet in size! The game has a simple concept: get as many properties as you can across the board.
     In our Bibles, Paul would have liked the idea behind this game. After all, that's what he was doing: Paul knew the Great Commission! In fact, once he landed on Mediterranean, there was no stopping him. He put church after church down on as many properties as he could get to, from Ephesus to Corinth to Thessalonica to Rome. He would tell it to you plainly: It doesn't matter if you travel by car, wheelbarrow or top hat. What matters most is that we do what Jesus told us to do. It's that one big word of the first square of the game: GO. "Go into all the world. Preach the good news to everyone."

     As you read the Bible, you'll see it wasn't easy. Sometimes Paul landed in jail! And in the same way, you may be facing some bad setbacks. Just remember the key to their escape. It wasn't rolling doubles on a dice - instead, it was praising God through it all.
You read that right. God can and will bring victory. Stop by St. James Place if you need further proof. It's there that James wrote these simple words: draw close to God, and He'll draw close to you. In fact, that's how Paul did it. Throughout his life, he paid the price to set up properties across the board. But he wasn't going anywhere - and neither are we - without a close relationship with our Heavenly Father.
     Monopoly is pretty famous for being a long game. In that game - and in life - you can play to win. Just stay close to God, even through the setbacks, and no matter what, just keep on going!


     It was a really solid morning!  You can see here everyone posing in the hallway behind the auditorium entrance, just after the services.

Madison enjoyed all of it, of course helping out as a volunteer in her volunteer vest.  She was along the side wall, watching over kids as she enjoyed the parts of the service like the videos, the worship, the skit and the message.  She was laughing at Pastor Lance's complaints about always landing on "PAY TAX" right after passing GO.  And she loved the skit too.

And speaking of acting, the next thing we went to was the orientation for the Christmas play.  We were not finalized on certain parts yet, but we had a lot of people show up today, and we'll be officially sending out those casting lists soon enough.  Here's Madison at the orientation, along with some friends that will be involved with the play for certain.  Not sure about all of the people below in regards to what their roles will be exactly, but we know they should all be involved with speaking parts. 

And that includes Madison.  She has a part that Daddy was reviewing with the director, and it all clicked with the story.  Madison's part is kind of funny, and it's also fun too.  She'll enjoy it!

She and a few others were playing a game of Monster Crunch cereal while Daddy and the directors were deliberating various roles and discussing things with the script.  It's actually a pretty fun game.  Madison was right there with the grown-ups, and won by just one point, something she was quite proud of.

We got home, and we ate.  We also watched another Christmas movie, "Christmas of Many Colors," which is a really nice Dolly Parton movie that Madison has selected to watch tonight.  We sat on the couch for that one, watching together.  We'll have a tree up soon enough - we've already watched two Christmas movies so far!

Afterwards, we played a game of Star Wars Monopoly, the newer version (the one that didn't include a Rey).  We had a rematch, and unlike yesterday, Madison dominated this time.  She played as Darth Vader, and sure enough, the Empire ruled the board.  Daddy could only sit back and watch as planet after planet was taken over, and the dark side spread throughout the galaxy.

We read tonight, from the "Game On" devotional, and a new book for reading, "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe."  We're stepping foot into Narnia, and so far there's been a good reception.  Love reading these classics - tonight we read two chapters, and I think this will go on for a while now.  I also love the references to Christmas within this book early on, as it is now in the Christmas season.

We said our prayers, and tucked Madison in for bed.  It's seems later than it is, but that's the effect of Daylight Savings Time.  Tomorrow will still feel a bit like sleeping in, which is always nice...!

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