Thursday, November 21, 2019

"The Horse and His Boy"

We had a choice of books to go to this evening, as we just finished "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe."  And rather than go in a different direction, Madison decided that yes, let's stay in Narnia.  So we began with the next book in line, that is if you're reading it in the order of the Narnia timeline (and not in the order of when each was written).  That book is "The Horse and His Boy," which at the time of reading this last, I remember being my favorite of the books of Narnia (or at least a tie with "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader").  The thing is, I don't remember what happens in it so much, other than the fact that there is a horse.  And his boy.  So we're starting on this book tonight, and already there are smiles from the listeners, as right away we meet a talking horse.  His name is not Mr. Ed.

Today marked the beginning of the rise of Ice Cream on Fire.  That's the name of Madison's dodge ball team, a rag-tag group of athletes in their prime, ready to mow down their opponents with precision strikes of their speeding dodgeballs.  Madison loves this event, and it is a curious thing, as Mommy and Daddy did not like athletic things so much in school.  Nevertheless, she has embraced it completely, and I suspect if there were an official dodgeball team for the school, she might be first in line to sign up.  We asked her how she did today, and she told us that she did much better than last year.  She's able to catch balls, and throw better than before.  But best of all through all of this, there is no hint of super competitiveness in her, as to her, this is just a fun thing to do.  She just really enjoys getting out there and playing.

While she was doing that, Daddy was at work, planning the other thing she's involved in, the Christmas production.  Today we were talking about musical numbers and choreography and music.  It's all coming together rather quickly, and in fact is one month away now.

Madison had a big math test starting today, with part two coming tomorrow.  Two-part tests are the worst!  She was ready for it, and she said she thinks she did pretty good on it.  She even triple-checked her work.

After school, there was taekwondo.  Mommy and Daddy were there to watch her.  She's doing well, although with certain things she hasn't had as much time for practice, given that she's missing one day of the week now, which is half of her practices.  She's given that up for Christmas production practice, but will be back with taekwondo full-time in January.  This break is good for her - she's always wanted to do acting, and this production is a big deal, in front of a large audience, and with a lot of learning along the way about the stage, and being an actress.

She studied math when she got home, and we did our reading, and our prayers.  Ba-Ba is nearly done with his radiation, and there has been more good news than anything from Florida.  We can't wait to go down there and see the grandparents again...!

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