Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Fashion Designer

Madison was at the Book Fair early today to get that one book she had been spying out yesterday.  Each time the Book Fair comes, she gets herself a new book, and today's book was one called, "Rated."  It was the last copy on the shelf, and she had heard about it earlier, so she snatched it up this morning, setting the alarm clock to get to the school a little earlier.

Tonight was Wednesday night, and we were doing a message based on the game "Hedbanz."  We've done a lot of this particular message before, when it comes to small groups.  So that part was easy.  We were playing "Hedbanz" somewhat in the classroom, while doing a few of the activities.  Its as fun.

Madison is back to designing fashions, and she's created this one gown that can be used for taekwondo formal occasions.  I'm sure she would look beautiful in this particular design she's imagined, and don't worry:  it's created in such a way that you can display your advancements in rank properly.  She's been into fashion design lately, and we love seeing what her latest creations are.  We'll have to try another fashion show sometime!

Tonight before bed, we changed things up a bit with the reading of a new short story, one called, "Lump of Coal."  It is a Christmas story, and it is by Lemony Snicket, who of course we were reading plenty of earlier.

It's a nice little story, and certainly an unusual one.  But it is very much a Christmas story, and one the three of us enjoyed afterwards.  How blessed we are to have our local library, so we can check out little gems like this.  Madison also has another book from the library checked out, but given her excitement over "Rated," I suspect that the other library book might be put to the side for a bit.

Daddy didn't get too much time with the family tonight, given the time spent at church.  But Madison was studying for her fairly substantial math unit test tonight, a two-day affair that accounts for a great deal of her total grade.  She feels pretty good about it, and as her quizzes have been scored lately, we feel confident she knows the material.  She reminds us that she'll triple-check things to be sure.  She works hard fro her grades, although these latest lessons have been coming easier to her.  She studies hard, and we're very proud of her.

She went to bed tonight, and Mommy and Daddy went back to Disney Plus, which has a lot of things to choose from.  We were catching up on this old show, "The Inhumans," which ran for about eight episodes back a year or two ago.  You can see why it was cancelled, but it's Marvel and it's got some interesting characters.  Some are getting more interesting as the show goes on, and if handled better, perhaps the show Ould have succeeded.  At least we can see it here - we'll be watching that whole series, and then moving on to others - there's a lot to see on Disney Plus.

Anyway, it's time for bed.  It was a full day with plans for Christmas productions and Wednesday night services and so forth.  Sleep will come easy tonight - sleep, sleep, sleep...

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