Thursday, November 7, 2019

KidPak Thanksgiving Special

This is something new, and Daddy is hoping we can piece it together well enough to move forward with it online.  It's the KidPak Thanksgiving Special, and the basic idea is to string a few of our Thanksgiving-themed videos together with some host material (a few of us dressed as Pilgrims, and maybe a turkey), and then have it online for all the seven campuses to see.  We'll see how that turns out, but it was exciting enough for one of our students to make the above graphic, one we'll be sharing online pretty soon to advertise for it.  I don't know how many views we'll get, but it'll be fun putting it all together.  I've been wanting to have a Thanksgiving special for years now, and this may be a good year to do it.

Well, today we had rain, and a whole lot of it.  We also had sniffles too.  Mommy has her essential oils for things like that, so there's going to be associated smells with illnesses, I suppose.  But this one  smell in particular really works like Draino on the nasal passages, the fumes of it drilling through anything and everything in their path.

Everyone was healthy for the most part, although Daddy is having some lung difficulty as of late.  I'm blaming allergies for that, I think.  Anyway, we were able to go to school and work - in Daddy's case, both.  Madison has been working on her biomes, and studying estuaries, which are basically marshes, from what I understand, or a swamp at least.  Or a salt marsh.  We should watch "The Two Towers" to get an idea of estuaries are.  One thing Madison had to work out is how to deal with the problems that estuaries face.  In the example above, I would think one big problem would be Ring Wraiths flying overhead.  Also bottomless pits.  But as we're not in Middle Earth currently, I think the biggest problem is neither Ring Wraiths or any other lurking creature.  It's mankind.  The elves are probably thinking to themselves, "I could have told you that."  But I digress.  Mankind has this strange habit of polluting the environment.  We see this firsthand a lot lately.  Yes, I'm going to blame Millenials on this one.  But I'll blame everyone that pollutes here - I just don't understand you.  I mean, the flipping garbage can is within a reasonable distance, and you throw your trash on the ground there.  I've seen it twice this year, and yes, done by young people.  Or here's a polluting pet peeve (say that three times fast):  people with pick-up trucks who put their trash in the back (a fast food bag or items associated).  Of course, as you drive down the road, the thing is going to fly out the back.  And you sit there like, "Ooops.  My bad!"  I'm calling you out, because you're either a polluter, or an idiot.  More than likely both.  Fortunately, Madison had more positive solutions to dealing with the pollution problem, because my generation got the idea about pollution when we saw the Indian on television, the one looking around at all the garbage on the ground.  Remember him?  He had that single tear running down his cheek, because he saw all the trash left on the ground by those hippies.  So I'm fairly merciless when it comes to polluters.  I know I need to be more forgiving, of course, and not so judgmental.  But there are some things that make no sense to me, and people that pollute are right up there with other stupid things, like fake vomit, protestors that block interstates, airport prices, and a few pieces of artwork on the third floor of the High Museum.

Anyway, Madison's solutions were kinder, as mentioned earlier, and designed to raise awareness of the problem.  Although we were happy to discuss others that have been making good efforts in that direction.  She's in favor of "no fishing" areas, putting more trash cans out with more volunteers, moving construction and roadwork away, and moving new house work elsewhere.

Tonight, we had taekwondo.  It was raining a lot, so Daddy wasn't going for a walk.  He saw and watched Madison and the others practice, and in fact, Madison got her first stripe.  Again, she won't be getting a new belt in December, this due to the fact that her practice time is cut in half to make accommodations for Christmas production practice.  But she's definitely still into it, and having a great time kicking things.  And people.

Speaking of which, we had time for a Christmas short tonight, so we watched the "Kung Fu Panda" Christmas special.  It's a nice one, one of our favorites.  We read tonight - still in Narnia, and we read from our "Game On" devotional as well.  After prayers for Ba-Ba and family, we were in bed pretty quickly tonight.  It was a good day - the rain poured down tonight, and we're grateful for the rain now, after such a dry spell.  It's cold, but it's good to hear the rain, and snuggle under the covers.

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