Monday, November 18, 2019

Leave "Home Alone" Alone

The Book Fair starts today, so Madison got up earlier, setting the alarm to get there sooner and take a browse through the books.  Her assignment was to find out book titles, and find out the prices.  When she got home, we did some comparative shopping online to see the price difference.  If it wasn't too much more, she'll get a particular book or two.  She has a few of them that she's eyeing, but there's one that she'll be dropping by to pick up for sure - if it is still there.  There was only one left, so she's not so sure about that one.

Mommy and Daddy were out Christmas shopping this morning, but we got home in time for Madison, and then out the door again to go to piano practice.

Afterwards, Madison was hitting the links, and by links I do not mean golf.  Tonight she was making her annual Advent Chain, those paper links she makes to create something that hangs from the wall.  Each day she removes a link in December, marking one day closer to Christmas itself.  It's just around the corner!

That said, we watched "Home Alone" tonight on Disney Plus.  There's been so much to watch on this streaming channel.  This was nice though, as are all these Christmas movies this time of year.  I overhear Madison mimic what I myself have probably said, and what others say about these movies:  "those guys would be so dead."  Of course, we're talking about the Wet Bandits, the two thieves that try to rob the McCallister Home at the end of this movie "Home Alone."  For those who haven't seen it, there are so many traps there - painful ones - that the Wet Bandits endure.  There are a few fun articles by doctors analyzing the movie, discussing Harry and Mary enduring possible paralysis, fractures, infections, blunt force trauma, and potential cranial hemorrhaging.  But that's probably taking it too seriously.  So, a bit of advice for all of you within "Home Alone," and especially the sequel:  don't take it too seriously.  Or, as the title of this entry suggests:  Leave "Home Alone" alone!

Anyway, tonight we got a little bit closer to the end of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe."  We're in the Witch's courtyard, a place full of statues.  Or, at least formerly full of statues.  Aslan is correcting that matter presently, and forming an army that I believe should be rather useful shortly.  It's been a good read, and always good to read the classics to Madison.  We might even stay in Narnia after this book is done - we'll see what Madison would like to do next.

We said our prayers tonight, and shut off the Christmas trees before heading to bed.  We have those magic wands that you use, pressing a button to turn on and off these trees.  The magic wands make some magical sound effects, and then your tree is on... or off.  Everyone needs one of these.  We got it at Parson's last year, a store that is no longer in business this year.  After years, these local stores that were so solid are fading away one by one, all due to online shopping.  We'll miss Parson's, but we have several things that we've ordered from them in the past.  In fact, we'll think of them as we turn the tree on and off each year.

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