Tuesday, November 12, 2019


It got super cold today, and that was expected.  But still, when this sort of thing happens nobody expects it that much.  I mean, WOW, it got cold.  Of course, it's not as cold as elsewhere, but the sudden change of temperature was a shock to those of us who have been acclimated to another much nicer temperature.

Today was a fun day for ten million of us who were waiting on this streaming channel to show up online, something called Disney +.  While Madison was getting ready for school this morning, Mommy and Daddy were watching it right there at the beginning, watching Jeff Goldblum investigate sneakers.  We were also watching Forky, and watching a few other things too.  There's a lot to watch on this streaming service, and a lot of our friends have been talking about this show or that.  It seems as if everyone we know is getting this in their homes.

Madison had Live to Give after school today, and in that club, she was talking and planning with others, preparing for Christmas and gathering donations for Toys for Tots.  She's been doing well in school, working on some things in math that she says are easier.  Which is easier said than done for us, because some of these things she is doing are beyond me.  I suppose it could be explained to me, but I'm not sure how long I'd retain it, as this many years into my life, I still don't have a use for certain mathematical formulas.

Tonight, we had play practice, and that went on for a while.  It was nice though, as we were doing some blocking, running through a certain scene and remembering our lines for it too.  Daddy is sitting there in one scene with Madison, and it's sweet.  Both of us on stage at once, doing a bit of comedy.  It's a lot of fun, and it'll be great to practice this throughout the season here.  What's great - again - is that Madison is getting so much out of this experience.  It is as if she is signing up for a class in acting, learning about posture, pronunciation, projection and positioning.  She's learning a lot of other things too, both directly from her instructor and also from her experience on the stage.  It's been great.

Daddy made this Parenting Matters issue today, something he does every week, and in it I put a picture of Madison from some time ago.  Part of this was inspired by our visit to Cracker Barrel yesterday.  We are doing our "Game On" series, so the article needed to be related to a board game.  I'll close today's entry with what I have on the backside of Parenting Matters, an article reminding us all to "be still."

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