Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The People's Elbow

Here's Madison doing her version of the most electrifying move in sports entertainment, her own version of the People's Elbow.  All the kids were learning to make a little elbow room, and Madison was doing pretty well here.  Tonight we were back at taekwondo, and as you can see below, there was a bit of a ceremony for Madison, who officially got her new blue belt.

She was gone for the official testing day last week, but passed her test the week before, and so it was only a matter of waiting until the belts arrived to receive them.

She did well today.  She's been a bit stressed at school, and not enjoying yearbook as much as she thought she would.  The deadlines and interviews are a bit much on an already packed schedule, so she's considering stepping away from that.  We'll see how that goes in the coming week, as this first quarter wraps up.  In the meantime, all her grades are good, and her Milestones test grades were good enough that we got this invitation from left field about a talent identification program that we're going to need to look into.  Madison wasn't even sure what it was - Daddy just found the brochure after it was brought home, along with Madison's school photo.  Want to see the photo?

It turned out well!  We downloaded this digital version last week, and got the prints of it this week.  She's growing up, isn't she?

Today was Taco Tuesday, and Daddy managed to get all that straightened out with a little help from Mommy.  She was on the computer, looking through the refrigerator and cabinets as I was holding the computer up for her to see things.  From Florida, she was helping us out this morning with lunch and with dinner.  She prays with us and hears our bedtime story.  We talk with her a lot throughout the days here, and a lot today.  She was helping Ba-Ba eat and rest, and she's doing a good work down there.  Meanwhile, Daddy is holding down the fort here with preparing food and cleaning up a bit, taking the trash out, helping with homework, paying a bill or two, and being the taxi service.  Today, Daddy had to go to the school to pick up Madison after school, because she stayed there for her Live to Give club.

They're doing a new program soon for soldiers - I believe the program is called "Trees for Troops."  We'll be learning more details about that shortly, I'm sure.

It was a good day, and a productive one in some ways for Daddy at church, setting up for tomorrow and Sunday at KidPak.  Mommy's presence is sorely missed though!  We said our prayers and had zerberts and the hide-and-seek, all while Daddy was holding the laptop so Mommy could see and do all the normal rituals of bedtime.  It's nice to be able to do that, but we can't wait for her to be here in person to do it!

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