Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunset, Sunrise

This was our view again this morning from the Atlantic, watching the sunrise in the east.  It was a nice sunset the last few nights, and this sunrise was a beautiful one as well.  Of course, being over the shoreline like that helps a lot.

We packed our things this morning, and amongst the new things in the car this time around was Mommy herself.  She returned with us, and the three of us were off and running after a more significant parting.   We're worried about the future, about the coming weeks here, and have been actively talking and planning and trying to strategize what to do.  But there's one scripture that comes to mind, and in fact was posted by our pastor the same time we've been thinking it, almost as a confirmation.

This has been our theme scripture the last few weeks, so it was nice to see it pop up on social media.  These words really do help.

We had a pretty short drive home.  Atlanta was a mess.  It was thick with traffic on a Sunday, and we're not really sure why, other than to say, "It's Atlanta."  Like that explains everything.  But still, the rest of the drive was fairly swift.  In fact, with the girls sleeping in the car, we passed by a lot of the usual stops and Daddy just made a break for it.  We got home in a little over seven hours, only stopping at the rest area along I-10 there in the middle of the National Forest.  The other stop was at a gas station at exit 29 in Georgia, one for the township of Hahira.  First of all, Hahira sounds like a Japanese kaiju, as in "Gozilla vs. Hahira."  Secondly, we stopped because of a photo op with "Big Foot."  Or, at least Daddy did.  Fortunately, I didn't build it up beforehand, because this was amazingly disappointing.

Other than that, there was just driving.  In fact, we drove from exit 29 straight home, with the frequent stops in the middle of the road in Atlanta.  We got home early enough to do some unpacking, some phone calls, and we even had time for a movie.  We watched "Hotel Transylvania 3" again, along with some fresh popcorn.  It was great to have us all together tonight.  Mommy is worried, which made for a later night for her.  Daddy was exhausted, having driven all day - and Madison was catching up on some sleep too.  Tomorrow we'll regroup, and go from there.  One day at a time.

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