Friday, October 18, 2019


It's decided that we'll do "Holly," although that might change with the date and times.  Madison will do the auditions when we're ready, so we'll see how that goes when the time comes.  In the meantime, Daddy is going to revamp the script, as the last one was written in a pretty big hurry.  But that was not the thing on our mind this day.  Madison and Daddy were both thinking of Mommy, and how we were going to go down south to see her again.  It's been two weeks, and tomorrow's the day we'll reunite.  Having the computer to communicate has been great, but there's nothing like meeting in person, so today when Madison got home, we loaded the car, and drove for a bit to get a head start on our weekend.  For dinner, we stopped at an iconic location!

Here Madison is at the first Chick-Fil-A, the restaurant located in Hapeville.  They have a statue of Truett Cathy out front, one you can pose with.  In fact, Daddy sat down too, and we took a selfie.

Truett didn't look at the camera for this picture.  Daddy used to come here after midnight some time ago, we'd come late as a part of this hazing where newbies would have no idea what is going on or where we were going.   All we knew is that we were going "dwarfing."

So we'd ride in the car for a bit, still trying to piece together what "dwarfing" means, and then we'd arrive at this very location, and walk through that small door in front.  And here's the critical moment, where everyone who is going dwarfing orders an item on the menu called "Hot Brown."  And it was something that everyone ordered, not just the newbies.

All of this was something we called "dwarfing," and it was done frequently, actually.  We'd all go dwarfing, because why not?  Every so often, there'd be someone who had never gone dwarfing before, and that's when there'd be a fun moment of conspiracy, and the whole hazing process would begin again.

For those who knew what we were about to do, it was more fun watching the confused expressions of those who had never gone dwarfing before of course, as they desperately tried to figure out what the heck was going on.  Dwarfing?

Anyway, we didn't order Hot Brown tonight, so we weren't technically dwarfing.  Hot Brown is a very unusual concoction that's still available at the Dwarf House, but we didn't order it tonight, as that's probably not something you want to eat just before going on the road.  Here's Madison walking through that dwarf entrance.

This place was called the Dwarf House because it was a smaller sized building.  But what an empire it turned out to be.  We called Mommy and the grandparents from here, using the computer to take them all on a virtual tour.  Uncle George was there too - we talked, and told them we'd be driving a good bit further south, which we did.

The sunset was spectacular tonight.  Many, many people were posting pictures of it on social media tonight.  Obviously, Daddy was driving.  But Madison used her iPad to take this one picture in Atlanta.

The sunlight reflected in the glass of the skyscrapers, and all the lights of the city were on - the drive through Atlanta reminded me of a scene from that latest "Tron" movie, with all the colorful lights and motion.  It was surreal and beautiful.

Daddy was listening to some of the new They Might Be Giants music that was released recently, and he's only just now got around to ordering.  Madison was watching episodes of "Rebels," and taking photographs of the magnificent sunset.

We made our way to Cordele, and the plan was to spend the night there, but after visiting a few hotel lobbies, we discovered that the whole town was booked.  So we drove another forty miles down to Tifton, and there we found out that there was something going on there as well, something that sold out a lot of the hotels.  Even worse, Valdosta was already sold out too.  We were in trouble.

Fortunately, a lady at the Holiday Inn Express in Tifton had one room for us, one that didn't have a working shower head.  We didn't care, as long as the room had a bed.  She gave us the room at a discounted rate, and we were grateful to have a place to stay.

But can you believe this?

We stayed in Tifton, which is right there in the path of Tropical Storm Nestor, which looks due to pass over us tomorrow morning.  We'll be either waking up to a tropical storm, or driving through one, or whatever.  This seems to have come up from nowhere, and suddenly this little trip just got somewhat more interesting.  We may have to set the alarm, and get out of here before it strikes.

Perhaps that's why we had to get to Tifton, to get further along.  I don't know.  But I do know that when we wake up tomorrow, it should be a bit interesting...!

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