Sunday, October 6, 2019

Curiouser and Curiouser

This morning we wrapped up our ongoing story with our Toy Story characters.  you can see Buzz, Woody and of course the new character Nerdo there.  Also in the background, there's Madison and the other sheep, along with Bo Peep.  It's been a challenging series to write an ongoing story for, but the messages have been great and there have been plenty of super creative activities.  The kids have certainly been really into it, running out there to pose with the characters week after week.

We had the computer up, and we were taking Mommy and the grandparents for a bit of a virtual tour, as Daddy was taking the computer around, and from Florida, the three of them were meeting with Pastor Lance and seeing the set and meeting some of the others at church.  Mommy got to be there in KidPak, at least in spirit!

After church, we went over to a Chinese restaurant with some church friends, and Madison liked the food there.  She got General Tso's chicken.  I did a little research on this, because I was curious.  And here he is, the actual General Tso:

We ate his chicken today.  But seriously, how's that for a memorial?  Some people have bridges named after them, while others have books and songs to keep their names alive.  This guy has a chicken dish named after him!

We got home and Madison did some piano practice, while Daddy was doing a bit of unpacking.  That will continue tomorrow.  

We noticed the calendar said it is 10/6, which means it is Mad Hatter Day again!

This inspired us to watch "Alice Through the Looking Glass" again, and Madison wanted to dress up as Alice once more.  She looked so great we took a few pictures out in the yard:

Anyway, we watched that movie, and Mommy called in again and watched a tiny portion with us too.  She was with us every step of the way again tonight as we did the dishes and packed lunches, helping and guiding us in the areas we needed it.  Then she came upstairs with us and it was time for reading and prayers as well.  She's not here physically, but she's right there with us at bedtime for all the bedtime rituals - including hide-and-seek!  It's funny carrying along the computer and looking for a hidden Madison.

It was a good day today, but it's an odd feeling not having someone in the house who is supposed to be here.  We're anxiously counting down the days until Mommy returns, that much is certain.  

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