Thursday, October 10, 2019

Pumpkin Earrings

We did some shopping tonight, because we had a few items that we just had to get:  Frankenberry and  Booberry cereal.  Also, there are these fun pumpkin earrings that we picked up, ones that light up.  Madison spotted these, and given the stressful season we're in right now, it wasn't much of an investment to put a smile on her face.

Of course, there were a few other items to pick up as well, including lunch items for Madison and a few other grocery items.  We did this all after taekwondo, which went well of course.  We're back to the routine with Madison, who is now the blue belt decided, and still having a great time with martial arts.  She's made friends and is super happy there at the studio.

Meanwhile, Daddy's been walking with some of the other dads while Madison spars and does exercises.  There's this excellent - and popular - walking path across the street from the studio, one that goes by a golf course and over towards a nature center and a church.  It's a nice walk, one that we've paced out so that we walk roughly forty minutes or so before getting back in time for class to end.

Madison has been so stressed with homework last night that I decided we'd go to Chick-Fil-A tonight, and get a nice meal and some milkshake.  It was a nice little time there, followed by a trip to the local Wal-Mart as described above.

School has been keeping her busy though.  We're wrapping up a quarter here, and it all is coming in at once, which never is a good thing for students.  Imagine studying for all these different subjects at the same time.  Something's got to give.  But she's trying hard, and stretched pretty thin at the moment.

We've been talking to Mommy on the computer, reading and praying.  Tonight we got to bed a little bit later than usual due to studying and writing about Syria and Germany and Cuba.  We read briefly, and said our prayers, and all was quiet in the house rather quickly.  Everyone's tired!

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