Friday, October 11, 2019

Balcony Seating

Here's a funny arrangement we have.  Mommy is joining us for a movie tonight!  We watched Disney's "Legend of Sleepy Hollow" together tonight, with Mommy watching with us all the way from Daytona Shores!  The sound and lighting weren't what they needed to be on her screen, so Daddy brought in the ginormous ladder, and set the laptop up there super close to the television so she could watch and hear the same way that we were.  Obviously, it would be best to have her right there with us on the couch, but this was fun too.  She got to see it as well, and we could hear each other throughout.

Here's something else she could see:

We've got some new seasonal salt and pepper shakers here at the house, gifts of Nana and Ye-Ye, who have been coming by to help out with the yard work.  Or rather, they do the yard work, planting all kinds of new goodies in the back yard and front and sides.  They've placed decorative rocks in certain places, and more dramatically, two sets of stairs on either side of the house, to help us down the steep embankments.  It's all looking so nice, and as the leaves are falling, it's somewhat of a battle to get those up and out of the way so we can water the newly planted vegetation.

Madison had art club this morning, getting there early.  She got a 100 on her autobiography that she's been working on, which of course helped out that ELA average quite a bit.  That grade was worth two summative scores.  Her other summative test in math was today, but that was a bit of a struggle to study for with all the other things going on.

We've got a few plans for this weekend, starting with a visit to the Cumming Fairgrounds.  For Madison's part in painting the mural, she has a free pass to get in the gate.  We also might drop by and get a pumpkin tomorrow morning at a local farm not far from here.  Tonight we were watching some movies together, reading together, and just enjoying a fall day here.  We can't wait to get Mommy back, but it was good to have her on the screen there beside us, upstairs during reading time and prayers.  She even gives virtual zerberts!

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