Wednesday, November 14, 2018

A Peanuts Thanksgiving

We were talking tonight about having a thankful heart, and how ungratefulness tends to creep in sometimes, or how we feel entitled or forget to be thankful for all the seemingly simple blessings we have in our lives.  It was a different angle on a "Thanksgiving message," but Daddy worked in the Peanuts Thanksgiving - if you remember, Peppermint Patty was a bit ungrateful for a time, only thinking of herself.  Of course, that attitude changed right away, and she was quite repentant.  But it created a great opportunity for a lesson about guarding your heart.  We showed a good portion of that tonight, and just before our Thanksgiving meal in the rooms, we had the kids fill out these sheets of paper that Daddy made earlier.

This is nearly a mandatory television special we watch each year, and I was delighted to have an evening that sort of matched the theme of this classic special.  As a really fun bonus, we also added popcorn, pretzels and toast to the experience!

Some of the kids had never seen this before, and furthermore some reacted the same way that Peppermint Patty did when they saw the "Thanksgiving Feast" we had for them.  But the point was made pretty well by myself and those leading the class, and soon enough we were all having a Peanuts Thanksgiving together.  Several other volunteers heard what we were doing down the hall and came in to join us.  It was a sweet evening together.

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