Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Aunt Elaine

Tonight Madison met her great-aunt, who you can see her seated next to on the couch for this group picture.  She is Nana's younger sister, and Daddy's aunt, who lives up in Michigan, close to the Indiana border.  It was somewhat of a spontaneous visit, and we made arrangements to head over to Nana and Ye-Ye's house for a nice evening together.

It was a very pleasant time.  There was a lot of catching up to be done, and Madison was having a great time practicing on the piano there as well.  We had desserts, and lots of conversations, and a great time.

Today was a rainy day, but we got a lot done this morning at the office.  Madison has been studying for this math test tomorrow, and it's a big one.  We're praying she does well, because we've seen it coming for a while now.  Things seem to be okay, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Speaking of waiting... there is still no concession speech from the governor's candidate with fewer votes.  Legally, things seem to be all in order:  one candidate has over fifty percent of the vote, with there being such a difference that counting all the absentee ballots will not make a difference.  Still, the other candidate wants those other absentee ballots counted, because why not?  Anyway, we have Brian Kemp declaring victory tonight, finally.  And the other candidate is putting Georgia first, by "readying her legal team."

So the election is not over yet.  And it isn't over yet in other areas either.  Thankfully, it seriously doesn't look like we're heading to a run-off vote, with even more nasty commercials for another month.  I mean, I hope it isn't.  We'll see!

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