Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Purple Wave

We started another tree today, although we'll probably get to the rest of it tomorrow - and then start another.  It's nice though, decorating trees.  The Christmas music is playing and we're getting ready early for the holidays.  The lights are all working, and the trees we have look great so far.

Madison was studying a bit for a big math test that's later on this week, one that Daddy has printed out a few different practice tests for this evening.  She's enjoying school, even enjoying dodge ball - she was bragging a bit about hitting this one boy who was unable to catch the ball she threw.  In some ways, there's a bit of credit that goes to taekwondo for the extra bit of strength she's added on lately.  She's having fun there, and actually enjoying dodge ball, and maybe using some of her skills she's learning along the way.

Speaking of taekwondo, she earned another stripe on her yellow belt tonight, performing a series of five moves.  Daddy was sitting there, proudly watching as she did so well.  The kids all make noises as they throw their fists or kicks, and Madison was loud tonight, really getting into it.  We're very proud of her!

So today was Election Day, and finally it was over.  Or not.  Of course those who lost aren't conceding, which is somewhat of a sign of the times.  That precedent was broken long ago, and in some cases, if the election is close enough, it's never over, and we're all dragged through a bit of a process afterwards.  The interesting thing about this election is that it wasn't entirely a blue wave that was advertised.  Nor was it a red wave entirely either.  Therefore, let's call it a purple wave.  The red team picked up a lot in the Senate, and the blue team took over the House of Representatives.  In other words, it just seemed like a standard election where things go back and forth.  That's fine, and soon we'll hopefully move on.  I say "soon," but again, there are several candidates that are not conceding, so we'll see how that goes.

One thing about this evening's election is that moderates were the losers, apparently.  The left moved left and the right moved right.  There doesn't seem to be a center as much, no "balanced" candidate that has a collection of views that are shared by both sides.  It would be alarming if it weren't something that's been going on for a while now.  Fortunately, there was just enough of a win for one side to keep us from having to deal with another wave of protestors blocking traffic and calls for boycotts of this or that or the other.  "NO," is the answer to the old question "Can't we all just get along?"  And it isn't something that started with this administration either - it goes back some time, so blaming it on one individual or another is not terribly bright.  Instead, the ones to blame are the ones that actually do the things that bring chaos and trouble.

Anyway, we're going to bed.  We still don't know who the next governor will be, or a few other positions as well.  It seems like we're revisiting the year 2000, where it was only a matter of time before the one candidate who is currently ahead will actually be officially declared the winner.  Until then, I'm sure there'll be court lawsuits and posturing and media reports and accusations and all of that all over again.  Thinking of Georgians first.

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