Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Early September

September is here and the weather outside has gotten cooler.  We're all quite happy with this of course, although there's a hint of suspicion within where we're all wondering what's the catch?  But regardless, I'm going to make the most of the day, I think, which means sitting out soon that front porch with a cup of coffee and devotional time in the book of Psalms.  Soon we'll be visiting the book of Daniel, more or less because of that production we saw at the movie theater.  

After taking the morning picture of Maddie, she was off to school of course, and then you get to this point where there's just another day getting started, with nothing special or remarkable about to happen.  Of course, just a half-hour from here, that was far from the case at a different school.  We had another troubled child enter a school with a weapon, and another tragedy soon followed.  The national spotlight is on Northeast Georgia at the moment, with many of us in shock and grief over the situation.  We were grateful to talk to Maddie throughout the day - she has her phone and we can text at any time, or visa versa.  We send notes back and forth periodically though nothing of much substance other than to say we're proud of her, or she smells bad.  But seriously, it's been a troubling day.  

And further troubling on a personal level, I've been struggling with health issues.  We're trying to figure it out.  Hopefully we'll get to a solution soon, as I'm a bit down about it all.  Maybe it's just the day.

Tonight at FCY, Maddie was at the main campus of the church because the weather was so ideal.  We had outdoor baptisms, many of those participating having just returned from Camp FCY.  It was a good night at FCY.  Maddie was there with friends, and a few of Maddie's friends got baptized tonight.  It was so good.

One of the students there tonight was actually at the school where the shooting took place this morning.  He spoke to the others of the horrible thing that happened, his teacher pushing them into the corner of a room, and him praying for protection.  It was another reminder of how close this all was to us.  Just down the road from church in Gainesville, the perpetrator is being held prisoner.  National news organizations are here, images of the area broadcast on televisions and media websites.  It's surreal.  

After church, we got home, and Maddie had a bit of homework to do.  We watched "Toy Story of Terror," and a few social media videos about a few places we were thinking of going soon.  At the end of the day, we said our prayers, praying for the people in Barrow County, and praying for a good night's rest.  We read tonight, moving along with our story of the Kingdom Keepers.  And then it was time for the Plush Entourage to once more head back to Maddie's room for a good night's rest.

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