Saturday, September 14, 2024

Spooky Gingerbread House 2024

Here it is, the 2024 Spooky Gingerbread House!  Maddie and I made this one tonight over the course of two movies, "Ghostbusters 2" and "Ghostbusters:  Afterlife."  We assembled the structure, and then got busy with the usual assignment:  Maddie did two sides and I did two other sides.  We shared roof duties, using some Booberry, but this time making stripes or layers of Booberry, plus the marshmallows, plus all kinds of seasonal cookie decorations.  Yes, there's the pumpkins there, plus plenty of candy corns.

It turned out well, and it was fun making it.  We were watching the Ghostbusters movies too, and laughing along with those as well.  Fun night!

Earlier today we were doing some work.  I was proofing the upcoming series, but we also went over for Team Edge Practice too.

Maddie was there for a few hours, and she's getting better and better with that flip, plus the aerials.  She's still working with the sword, and she's doing better with that as well!

We got home, and Mom had a great lunch for us.  It was a nice and relaxing day.  Any plans to go places sort of got put to the side because of the rainy weather that has set in, but in the end it was a really nice evening creating our gingerbread creation.

We read before going to bed, and of course we said our prayers too.  It was a good day today!

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