Sunday, September 1, 2024

First of September

Maddie is having a wonderful time north of here at Camp FCY.  She had a great morning, and then a great afternoon... and a great evening!  Everything's been fun:  the services, the outdoor games, the down time, and just all the happy times together with friends new and old.  It's been awesome!

Maddie is there to the left, getting involved with the games!

Uh-oh!  Pies in the face all around!

Maddie got some photo shoots afterwards of those pie-faces!

Maddie snaps a picture of a beautiful butterfly there - it's a nice place up there.

There was one last evening service, and another afterparty too - and then fireworks on the lakeside to close things out.  It was a very special time for the students, an unforgettable time at Camp FCY.

Meanwhile, we had a service this morning that was really nice.  It was pretty low-key, given that everyone was off to camp, or on holiday with Labor Day.  But you can see Bonnie up there with Camille, making a big appearance on stage.  She was happy to see everyone this morning, helping Camille speak to the kids. 

Wait, there's Joey again?  Yes, Joey is saying hi to Bonnie too!  

Joey spent some time this morning at church, I guess showing Maddie he can have a good day too.  

It's been a good day.  Mom and I were watching the Paralympics tonight for a good bit, and we got to bed early.  The rain was pretty big tonight, so our plans to go to the rodeo were scrapped.  But that seemed to work out, one reason being that I've been kind of sick lately with some sort of odd stomach thing that hopefully ends soon.  

It was a good day, otherwise.  Maddie seems to be having a really awesome time!  Here are a few pictures from her cell phone:


Gọt large lavender cold brew 
Pancake breakfast
With Chloe, Charlene, Jez, Chris, for breakfast and four randoms 
Service with pastor e and Dylan
Small group on docks again
Hung out in the Mason and on the docks before lunch
Lunch with the same people
Talent show, Jeremiah did “this is the gospel”
Was in the front with Ava next to the stage stairs
Last tribe wars: MY TEAM WON :D
Watched Chloe Chris Jez and Lilia do go karts
Got people to sign my shirt
Got cream soda
Went to the Exchange
Hung out in the mason little bit
Got people to sign my shirt
Went back to the cabin and did bracelets
Pasta and bread dinner with the same people
Church clap :)
Session with pastor Jacob
Fireworks in rain
Walked around
Hung out at the Mason
Hung out in my room a little bit 
Hung out with Chloe Jez Charlene and Lilia in the lobby
Lilia left, a bunch of others came
Late night post midnight talks to 12:14 in the lobby
Talk in the bathroom until 12:40
Natalia screaming there’s a snake at 3:00 am but it was only a dream snake.

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