Thursday, September 19, 2024

Talk Like a Pirate Day 2024

It's Talk Like a Pirate Day today, and in honor of the big date, I wrote the lyrics to this pirate song above, and then I plugged them into the artificial intelligence song generator with a few extra instructions, and that's what came out!  It's a fun little song!

[verse 1]
Ahoy me hearties, blow me down!  
Let all the pirates say.
Yo ho it’s time to celebrate
Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Shiver me timbers!  Are you savvy? 
Set a course and here we go!
Pillage, plunder, find that booty
Talk like a Pirate:  YO-HO-HO!

[verse 2]
September 19th, walk the plank
and hoist your tattered sails!
Raise the Jolly Roger, shouting
"Dead men tell no tales!"


You privateers and scalawags,
Heave ho and give some cheers
For on this day, you scurvy dogs,
We are all buccaneers!


[verse 4]
Climb the crow’s nest.  Look for treasure,
and sail the seas afar!
Avast!  Join with the swashbucklers,
and give a hearty, “Arr!”

Today we were at the office a good bit, and the decorations are coming up for our DIVINE Conference, which has some angelic decorations that are a bit on the large size, like this one here:

Mom's got these very large angel wings - that's the theme of things, angels.  There were some statues delivered, sitting about to be used as decorations here or there.

You can see Camille and Ansley here posing with one, because despite all the best intentions of these decorations, the only thing nerds like us think of are those Weeping Angels from Dr. Who.  In fact, here's a quick little video we made:

We got a few things done today, getting scripts done and homework too.  Maddie had some homework.  She also had taekwondo.  She's been making customized bead bracelets and giving them to her teammates.

Tonight's big movie was "Treasure Planet," because it's Talk Like a Pirate day.  Another great movie.  I remember watching this one on the Disney Wonder back in 2003.  We saw the movie in theaters before that, and of course because it involved pirates, I love it.  The rule for pirate movies is an automatic plus two on the die.  Meaning, if the movie is a six out of ten, you add two just because it involves pirates.  That being said, this movie is an eleven.  All of it is so good!

We read tonight, and then we said our prayers.  It's time to get some rest!

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