Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Here's a still life that Maddie has been working on.  It actually looks like a real set of headphones if you don't look close enough!  Maddie set this up and has been working on this illustration for a good bit of time at school, and it's turning out really fantastic!

So tonight was the first debate between a the Republican candidate and the Democratic candidate who has never even won a single primary state in two election seasons and yet somehow is all the way here.  Interesting stat.  I get a little stressed this season every four years, and I don't like all the political back-and-forth so much.  My mind is usually made up pretty early, as I'm generally focusing on issues and so forth all along.  So therefore, tonight's debate was pre-empted in our house by a screening of "Scooby Doo 2," of course.

Yes, it features Captain Cutler.  Which is one of the reasons this is one of the greatest movies of all time, friends.  Don't attempt to argue with me about this, because you'd be wrong.  Also, Captain Cutler will come out of water and harpoon your car.

Anyway, we watched this classic tonight while the Presidential candidates were debating.  Well, it wasn't really a debate, and more of an ambush.  The one candidate was like a player in Mario Party who suddenly gets two extra assisting characters.  Still, from what I understand, the underdog candidate in that scenario did okay, and honestly, the polls probably won't change from any of this.  It's just a lot of back-and-forth for the next few months. 

So we went to bed tonight after reading another few chapters of Kingdom Keepers.  Maddie had a few bits of homework tonight with ELA, but it was a relatively quiet night.  Tomorrow will pick up a good bit.

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