Friday, September 13, 2024

Groot Work

The rain is here, part of a system that came in from a hurricane hitting the coast of Louisiana, and due to a wedge in the atmosphere, apparently the rain is going to be here for a while.  Meaning:  several days.  So yeah, a rainy weekend is in store for us.  

I was in Alpharetta this morning, getting our car back, complete with four new tires.  Maddie was at school today of course, and I got her out of school from the earlier car line.  2:49 is the official time, and by gum I need to be there then.  And it's much better than previous car lines, where I would bring a book and read for about 30-40 minutes while I waited.  I kind of miss that, to be honest, as it gave me time to sit and read.  

Speaking of reading, we're still doing our Kingdom Keepers book, and that story is moving along.  We're glad to read about Finn and Amanda again, the old school Kingdom Keepers from before.

We attempted to get Maddie signed up for the SAT test, but their online registration process is a test in itself, one that we apparently failed.  We spent a very long time trying to register, getting exactly nowhere.  Their site is not friendly.  But that's the lesson of the day, fighting the system to get to the goals you really want, and realizing that these big educational and governmental systems are laybrynths of torturous mental anguish and trials of patience.  

But enough about that.  The rest of the day was good.  

For example, take a look at this amazing scarecrow that Mom has been working on.  The theme is "Hallo-wings," which is about the flying creatures that help pollinate the flowers, and so Mom has all kinds of flowers, bees, and butterflies flying around this scarecrow.  The existing body is from a few years ago, but we made the mask this week, mostly Mom.  It's coming along nicely!  Sunday, we'll pose it for a shot in the yard, and then we'll leave it in the lot at the Botanical Gardens where they'll put it in place, along with our family name.  It's a fun tradition, and it's usually all Mom doing the work.  She does great!

So Maddie had her taekwondo, and of course the team was there working out.  Oh, you should have seen this giant caterpillar there.  Bright green and thicker and longer than my index finger.  Huge guy, right there in the parking lot!

Maddie did well tonight, of course.  She had a brilliant moment where an opponent was holding a leg up at a right angle, using it as a guard against attack.  He kept it up a little too long: Maddie did a spin-hook kick that had the other student falling backwards to the ground!

We got home tonight and started our Ghostbusters marathon.  We've decided that this marathon is comprised of the first and second movie, and then "Afterlife."  The opinion of Maddie and I is that this most recent movie is okay, but not really something we need to see too much.  It was okay, and possibly in fifth place if we were to rank the movies.  So tonight we watched the first one, and of course it still makes us laugh.  And after watching it, I finally have an idea for my pumpkin carving this year!

After that, we were reading from Kingdom Keepers, and we said our prayers as well.  We got to bed on time tonight - tomorrow we sleep in a little.  It's going to be a rainy weekend, but we'll have fun!

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