Sunday, September 8, 2024

Beautiful Sunday

Maddie was back on stage this morning, and you'd probably be forgiven if you didn't recognize her!  There she is dead center as Mr. Potato Head, who had a pretty good part in our ongoing Toy Story.  We're moving forward, and I've even ambitiously added yet another character for next week that I'm excited about.  I ordered the costume, and I'm just hoping it all works out.  Anyway, it was a good morning here, and a busy one too for all of us.  Maddie was taking pictures during worship, and we had the skit of course with the big cast, and there was greeting and a memory verse game that was pretty fun too.  Maddie had these pictures below - and a whole lot more - to add to the online photo gallery.  You can see worship, and you can also see the kids posing with our characters between services.  It was a fun morning!

We got home after that and ate some safe food for me, and it's still troubling me somewhat, but things are better than they were at least.  Soon after that, we decided right there that the weather was really nice, and why not head over to a few of the farms we like to visit.  

First we went to Burt's, and yes, they already had their pumpkins spread out.  No one was really there today, or at least not many.  It was too early, even for us to buy a pumpkin or anything like that.  But the advantage of going early was simply having the place to ourselves, largely.  The sea of pumpkins is there, but you don't have the astounding crowds.  It was so quiet, and that was perfect.  Maddie got the camera and went throughout the pumpkins taking all sorts of really awesome photos that I'll share below.

We also did a few portrait shots which came out nice.  Some were amongst the pumpkins, of course.  And there's the usual signs to poke your head out through, plus the tractor, and the covered bridge.  They came out nicely!

It was a quick stop on a beautiful day.  Or to quote Maddie imitating Proximus, "What a wonderful day!"  We had one more stop though, and that was Bradley's Farm.  Again, pumpkins weren't out yet, but Mr. Tony was there to greet us, which was nice.

We got some of those amazing Muscadine slushies - so good - and we sat and talked for a good bit.  Bradley came by, and his wife even joined us, along with their newborn daughter Presley, who is just eleven weeks old.

That was nice.  It was a pleasant afternoon - just wonderful, really - and we had a good time driving along into the west, listening to the fall music and getting ready for the season a little early.  It was very nice.

We got home and watched "Scooby Doo" again, and on top of that plenty of Paralympics replays.  We'll catch the closing ceremonies replay tomorrow, I think.  It really was a wonderful day, and we ended it nicely with our continuing adventure with the Kingdom Keepers.  Then it was time for prayers and time for the Plush Entourage to get tucked in, and ready for a new day tomorrow.


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