Saturday, September 7, 2024

God is Good 2024

So some time ago when Maddie was seven, she came up with her own little praise and worship song.  She made up the lyrics, wrote them down, and sang them in a super brief recording that you can find here on this blog.  Today's technology makes it possible for common folks like us to enhance performances, add a bit more, and basically make an entire song out of just the briefest of segments uploaded.  That being said, I put artificial intelligence to the test by submitting Maddie's worship song.

It came out pretty well!  Mom and I actually got a little teary-eyed remembering this younger Maddie, a little one we miss dearly.  They do grow up so fast.

Today was a quiet day.  Taekwondo class was in the exact middle of the day, and that sort of made it impossible to do much else.  I think this was our big chance this morning to get to Ellijay, as the weather was perfect.  But the girls weren't up for that, so perhaps next year.  Maddie's schedule, the weather, and the precise timing of all of this can be a challenge lately to get over to Ellijay on weekends.

But we did do some other things.  I was weeding and prepping the fire pit area today, and we got a bit more progress done on the scarecrow, something you'll see fairly soon.  Ye-Ye came over and got this bridge area worked on in the back yard, and that is starting to look good too.  Also, the juro spider hunt went on, as there are some big monsters out there in the back yard.  Yuck!  

The sea monkeys are doing well - there are about six of them now, which seems to be the best ratio for that tank, based on last year's population.  I keep giving them oxygen each day and food once a week.  They're doing well, and it's amazing how long I've kept this tank going!

We watched "Monsters, Inc." tonight, and it's been a while since I've seen this one - I forgot how great it is.  The early animation is evident, but the direction and story and characters are just so good.  The ending is magical.  We love these movies.  I think we're moving on to "Scooby Doo" next as a part of our Fall Movie mix.  

Oh, speaking of "fall mix," I've picked up Banjo Kazooie again, and am facing off against Gruntilda and the gang.  I was just reminiscing about this game, and spotted it on the Nintendo Switch, so why not give it a replay.  It's been over twenty years since I've played this one ... wow.

It was a good day today overall.  Maddie slept in, did taekwondo, and watched a movie with us tonight.  I was on the treadmill earlier, walking and watching "Fantasia" as I marched along.  I have the television set up so I can watch movies while I walk.  Still, I'm walking along on some of the programs they provide with the Nordic Track, only about one walk away from earning a September walking badge.  I'm also working towards the running badge too, picking up on running again.  I've been up to two miles now, and I'm hoping to get more running in, as I'd love to be able to do a 5K again.

Pretty quiet day today.  We read tonight, and we said our prayers and got to sleep.  I am feeling better, thanks to a drastic dietary change.  It's still a little tough after eating, but not as severe.  I think my stomach wall lining needs a little healing, which just means more bland food.  I'm good with that for a season.  

We went to bed early tonight of course - there's church in the morning, and Mr. Potato Head is waiting!

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