Wednesday, September 11, 2024

All You Can't Eat

Tonight was FCY, and Maddie was there to see a message themed to "All You Can Eat," which we noted was ironic because there was no food served tonight as there usually is.  But that's okay - it's usually the official food of Free Chapel:  pizza.  Maddie isn't usually thrilled with that, but she'll eat it if desperate!  They also serve waffles, and that's really fun.  I've had some from time to time, and they're delicious.  Of course, lately, my diet says "no!"

No spicy food.  No dairy.  No nuts.  Nothing really!  I can do oatmeal and grits, but not real butter.  I can do rice and fish, but no spice or dairy.  We have lots of food, but I can't eat any of it until this stomach gets better.

Maddie enjoyed the message though, and she's glad to be at church with her friends.  They spend a good bit of time talking afterwards, so I'm usually one of the last parents to leave at the end.  That's okay, unless of course there's something else we're supposed to be doing afterwards.

It is September 11th, which is a date that seemed to awaken us about the threats of terrorism, although we seem to be fast asleep once more.  We sort of slumber a good bit.  But that's the historical pattern, I suppose.  We only wake up to attack each other, although we did spot some nice bipartisanship this morning, as our President donned one of those famous hats advertising for an opposing candidate.  Those moments are such a breath of fresh air, and I think a lot of us wish there was more of that.  Election season is so hostile!

It was a decent day today, with a good bit of KidPak planning.  We're going to do a movie night upcoming, one where we show a Toy Story movie on the themed stage, so that should be pretty cool.  Also cool:  we ordered this Hamm costume, and that will mark Hamm's first appearance on the KidPak stage.  We'll have him this weekend, because he has a very important thing inside him that will basically solve our ongoing story's dilemma.  It's been a fun series though, and it's great seeing these kids watch the Toy Story movies with such reverence.  They want to see more each time we shut off a scene.  We're basically paying a few scenes to help illustrate points that we're sharing.  This weekend's point is about Lotso and the temptation of Sunnyside Daycare.  Of course that temptation to abandon Andy and move on leads to trouble for our characters.  And temptation in our lives can lead to big trouble too - that's our theme for this weekend.  

We read a bit from Kingdom Keepers tonight, and the chapters are short and fun.  We just met Dr. Facilier, who seems savvy to the plans of our heroes, so they'd best watch out.  Meanwhile, Cinderella has made a visit to Finn's and Amanda's house, riding in on her carriage of course.  It's been fun to read to Maddie, and the Plush Entourage too.  Everyone got tucked in after prayers, and after that, it was time for some sleep!

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