Thursday, September 12, 2024

...Fall is Really Here Now

It's officially fall now, folks.  I got the big three Monster Crunch cereal brands!  We were doing a little tiny bit of grocery shopping and I had to go by Wal-Mart to see if the cereals were there.  Sure enough, they had the new boxes of this year's Monster Cereal collection.  There are five different boxes, as Carmella Creeper is back.  I'm a completist, so I was torn about that one.  But ultimately, I just didn't like the flavor as much, so I'm sticking with the big three:  Frankenberry, Booberry, and Count Chocula.  This year's gimmick is the focus on their pets.  Yes, the Monsters now have pets, and peer pressure must have been severe, because all four now have pets.  Carmella has a pet snake, Count Chocula has a spider, Frankenberry has a bat, and Booberry has probably the reasonable pet, a cat.

So anyway, I'm ready for October now.  I'm armed with my Monster Cereal.  We'll play that game again soon too - I'll make sure of that!

In other news, Mom has been working a lot on our scarecrow, and Groot is turning out really, really well.  She painted the head we made, and additionally we've used sunglasses for the dark eyes, painted with a ring on the inside to add a little depth.  We'll share pictures in a bit, but it's coming along really well.  This Monday we have to move the scarecrow over to the garden center.  

Meanwhile, I'm driving around in a new Mercedes.  Not that we bought a new one.  It's just that the dealership gives you a loaner for bigger projects.  We're getting new tires and the hatch fixed, all so we can move that scarecrow on Monday without worries.  

So we did have taekwondo tonight, and it was fun.  Maddie was an assistant teacher first, and then she had her leadership class after that.  Her senior year has been a mixed bag.  She's talking a lot about photography and art, but not so much about calculus or ELA.  Those classes feature the most homework and probably stress.  Regardless, she's moving forward in this year.  Here we are in her last September in the public school system... oh, and speaking of which, did we talk about the homecoming dress yet?  


Maddie is super happy about her new dress.  She's got it on the mannequin in our house, sort of standing there and reminding her of that next Homecoming that she's looking forward to going to so much.  It's the first weekend in October, and should be nice.  We're still talking about where to take some of those Homecoming pictures, and it could be that we take them at Bradley's Farm.  Maddie is still deciding on that, weighing out options.

So here's something else she did.  You might recall a project where she was highlighting some famous people in the history of photography, making them into polaroid pictures with small bios about each.  Along with that project, she actually made a reproduction of a polaroid camera.  Pretty cool, huh?

Maddie did some homework after class tonight, and we watched a short:  Muppet Haunted Mansion, which is great, by the way.  I love this one, but I have a soft spot for Muppets and the Haunted Mansion.  So there's that!

Before bed, we read from Kingdom Keepers again, moving along quickly through our story.  And after that, it was time for prayers and sleep.  Time to get some rest!

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