Saturday, June 19, 2021

Let's Roll


Tonight Maddie joined FCY at the skating rink!  This isn't everybody there, but it's a pretty good group shot, and you can see Maddie herself over there to the left, crouching.

Maddie invited a few friends to the skating rink tonight, and even got there an hour earlier to have a little more time on the floor.  It turned out to be just right, actually, as far as timing goes, because three hours on the floor is actually a pretty decent work-out!  Maddie met some other friends here too, including a neighbor of ours that came to the birthday party last week, a girl named Sophia.  It turns out that her parents were good friends with another friend of Maddie's and these parents hadn't seen each other in a long time.  So there was a happy reunion, and a bit of a "hey, it's a small world" there!

Maddie had a super fun time tonight.  She didn't have a problem back on skates again, moving along just fine.  It's funny, because a lot of her taekwondo friends were there too, and not many of them could skate well, whereas they're all really impressive and black belts with taekwondo.  Still, everyone had a really good time.  Maddie was laughing at a lot at one point, because she had fallen, and caused Pastor Jacob to fall as well.  The two met up later, and he was laughing at her, "You caused me to fall!"  

It was a great night though.  I was skating the whole time, and miraculously did not fall once.  Not that I was doing anything risky or fancy.  Everyone enjoyed the evening, and when it was time to go, Maddie and I were pretty ready to go, meaning, we were ready to get those roller skates off our feet.

On the way home, the two of us stopped at Zaxby's and had some chicken wings.  Maddie really likes chicken wings, and loves adding the hot sauce to them.  She had the nuclear sauce, which is nearly the hottest, and she went through that container pretty quickly, although she admitted that towards the end the spiciness was accumulative, building up and getting a little hot for her.  I tried it, and although I was able to have a good dip of it without any problems, it was actually pretty hot.  So yeah, I can take it.  No, I don't enjoy it.  Maddie, on the other hand, has a much higher tolerance for spicy foods. 

It was pouring rain outside.  We sat by the window and watched it come down as we ate, and told stories of our adventures on the rink.  It was raining solidly on the way there, and on the way home, and all through the night.  It'll rain tomorrow too, all part of this storm system called "Claudette."  

Once home, we had time for an episode of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", although I was pretty zonked.  We read tonight, and very quickly, we were in bed afterwards.

The rest of the day, was nice too of course.  Maddie, Nana and I had gone grocery shopping earlier, and all of us got some ginger beer while we were there, a spicier ginger ale with a little bite to it.  We got the items on the grocery list Mom made us too, so no worries.

This morning I finished up my walk through Arches National Park with another trail on the treadmill.  I actually was on that thing for over an hour today!  I've loved these trails, seeing where they go and walking along with the camera.  I kept a pretty brisk pace too.

It was a good Saturday today, and tomorrow will be nice too.  The actual heart of the storm will pass by tomorrow, but I think it's just rain for us.  We pulled some items inside just in case, but we should be okay.  The sound of rain is one of those things that is just perfect to go to sleep to.

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