Friday, June 7, 2024

National Doughnut Day

It's National Doughnut Day, something we learned about this morning, and as you can see here, we had a bit of a doughnut party tonight.  We're not obsessive doughnut people, but we celebrate a lot, and this was a wonderful little moment for us.  Back a few weeks ago, it was announced there would be some Dolly Parton themed doughnuts at Krispy Kreme, and I was wondering when I could get down there to the nearest Krispy Kreme, which is in Buford.  It's not a short drive away.  But these are fun doughnuts, and I was sort of hoping I could surprise everyone.  Fast forward to our vacation, and lo, there was a Krispy Kreme in Pigeon Forge, right there near Dollywood.  But we just never got around to getting over there.  So I was resigned to the fact that we probably wouldn't get these long sought-after doughnuts. 

Until tonight!  After taekwondo, we were over at the Publix in Oakwood, and sure enough there was a Krispy Kreme doughnut display there within the store, and sure enough, Maddie spotted two boxes of Dolly Parton Krispy Kreme doughnuts on National Doughnut Day!

And there was much rejoicing!  God is so good to us with these little moments.  I was even able to get some gluten-free doughnut holes for Mom, and she loved them!  Needless to say, these doughnuts and doughnut holes might not last until tomorrow night.

Fun fact, the pictures above were taken with my phone. 

Today we were at Braselton early, practicing some things for Forward Conference.  I finished up a Wisenheimer skit for this weekend for the opening of our new series, and our new booklets came in too.  Maddie's devotional entry is with the rest of the Summer Xtreme booklet now, which is moving along.  Just one more message and maybe a devotional entry or two, and we're good to go. 

Maddie learned how to make spaghetti sauce today.  She was with Mom in the kitchen, and the two were cooking up something that we'll no doubt be eating this weekend some time.  Maddie was in Star Dew Valley a good bit, but also near Donkey Kong Island, where she and I conquered yet another level.  We're sort of taking it one or two levels at a time.  This latest level had us in a rocket-powered barrel, avoiding all kinds of obstacles as we pushed forward.  We initially thought there was no way, but we did make it!

As mentioned, Maddie had a big night at taekwondo, with black belt, leadership and then more Team Edge practice.  One week from today is competition.  The team is looking solid.  So much so that we went to get ice cream at the grocery store afterwards... where we found those wonderful doughnuts!

We finished up with a few episodes of "Monk," and then some reading from our short stories about Dengar and IG-88, who I'm glad to say are not politically correct in any way whatsoever.  Yes, the bounty hunters are all marked safe here, and that brings a sigh of relief.  We'll finish up that story tomorrow.

We said our prayers tonight, and we were off to bed after that.

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