Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Last Practice before Comp

 Team Edge had their last practice in the studio today, and at the conclusion of that, there was a demonstration for all the parents that were assembled there.  A few relatives couldn't make it to the competition this week, so the team did a run through for everyone tonight before leaving.  They did well, especially on that last run-through.  The parents and family there all cheered loudly and it was well-deserved.  Maddie's doing fantastic.  I filmed it on my phone - and took this picture above on my phone too, later on when the team assembled for a group picture.  Tomorrow we head to Atlanta for the competition!

Tonight, a few of the ones you see above were with Maddie at FCY.  Pastor Jacob was speaking tonight, and it was one of those pre-Forward services where the staff and volunteers are gearing up for the big conference.  Part of that included a pretty good discount for Forward - Maddie is registered to go, of course, and she's looking forward to it!

We had a good day today today.  We read tonight, finishing up a story about ugnaughts escaping Cloud City, and then we prayed after that.  It's been a full day - time for sleep! 

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