Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Tour of Coffee Shops


So yeah, here we are at another coffee shop, this time back at Farmhouse.  Maddie hadn't been here yet, so she was happy to come along.  We were here for coffee and snacks of course, but the primary reason was to get out of the office and focus entirely on a Summer Xtreme skit, which we were able to actually finish up.  Yeah, we got done Day Four of Summer Xtreme, which should be super fun.

Notice the hat Maddie is wearing?  Today is 6-26, which is also called "Stitch Day," because Stitch is experiment 626.  Mom and I were wearing our Stitch t-shirts, and on our way down to Braselton later on, we were listening to that soundtrack of course.

Fun day.  Hot day though.  The car said 100 degrees all the way home, and I thought it was just an aberration, but the temperature stayed that way all the way from Farmhouse to about the lake area.  So I think it might have actually been 100 degrees outside!

Anyway, we went home to pick up Mom, and the three of us drove down to Braselton for the FCY United Night that was going on there, a big night where the FCY teams from different campuses were joined together at Braselton for one big service.  It was a great night!  Maddie met up with many friends and had a good time, even getting a new hat for Forward.

These custom hats were made on the spot, and Maddie likes hers a lot.  She'll be wearing it to Forward tomorrow.  She's very much looking forward to that!  Mom and I were at the church because we were organizing the storage area there, moving things about including books and props.  At the end of the night, we were pretty zonked - we went home, read another odd story about EV-9D9 from "Return of the Jedi," and said our prayers.  The Plush Entourage is getting bigger, now with a few new friends Ajax and Javier III.  We tucked them all in, and it was time for some sleep...

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