Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Fried Green Tomatoes


Tonight after practice Maddie saw the movie "Fried Green Tomatoes" for the first time.  I think she enjoyed it!  Some time ago, we visited the Whistle Stop Cafe south of Atlanta, and Maddie sort of remembers that.  We'll have to go back again now, or at least have some fried green tomatoes soon.  Definitely no "Bennet's Barbecue."

Practice went well tonight, although there are some huge last-minute changes with Team Edge's performance.  They're working in a smaller space and they're also using different music.  Both of these represent some huge last-minute changes.  But Team Edge is adapting well, and I think they'll do okay.  I've been there at the window for each practice, watching as the team does their work.  Maddie's doing a great job.  Super proud of her!

We prayed tonight after reading from our book.  We're packing for the trip upcoming, a small one.  We're also getting a few things done around the house and for KidPak.  I've gotten the booklet done for this Summer Xtreme series, "Tropical Breeze."  It should be pretty good!

Okay, it's time for some rest.  We've got a lot going on!

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