Sunday, June 2, 2024

Hang 10 End

Here we are at the last weekend of "Hang 10," and it's been a great series.  We've really been hammering away at having these kids learn the Ten Commandments.  There's a rhyme scheme that helps you remember things, and we were doing drills and having the kids do that time and again... I think they've got it!  And yes, we were having fun along the way too! 

It was a great morning.  We had a good meeting afterwards with our volunteers, and by the time we got home, it was much of the day that was gone.  We were sleepy, but we played some "Tropical Breeze," and I wrote another devotional entry.  The walk on the treadmill was amongst the Sequoias, particularly General Grant. 

Tonight was the livestream of the first episode of season four of "The Chosen," so that was the rest of our night - not just the episode, but the after show material, which was well over an hour.  Lots of things to watch.  Season four is on DVD and Blu-Ray for all us old-school folks, so yeah, I ordered that and now we have the complete set soon.  We haven't watched it all yet, but will probably watch it as they're released on livestream, just to stay with the community.

Not much time after that.  We read tonight, and it was another story from Obi Wan Kenobi's perspective, just from "The Empire Strikes Back" and on Dagobah.  Fun little story, certainly a bit different.

It's been a good day. Mom and I have to get up early tomorrow, so we read, we prayed, and got ourselves tucked in for a good night's rest.

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